Thursday, March 8, 2012

A New Companionship

Pudge used to control the weather.

You know the fish from Lilo and Stitch?
Well...we had a foster gold fish named Pudge.
He died yesterday after struggling for a few days. :(
Poor Pudge.
He was a good fish...and he must be happy to be in Fishy heaven...
because the weather forecast for the next week or so is supposed to be bright and sunny.
...I wonder who controls the weather now..... >.> <.<

But...Pudge wasn't alone in his little fish tank.
No...he had a buddy. Named Bruce.
(as in the shark from Finding Nemo)
Bruce is a gold fish as well.
He's such a sweet and caring fishy.
He stayed right next to Pudge in his final days/moments keeping his buddy company.
They've been together for a year or two now.
Us Roomies felt rather bad for him.
Being all by himself for the first time in forever most likely.
We couldn't let that happen! Bruce needed a buddy!
So today...
we had a Fish field trip!
All four of us drove over to Petsmart to buy Bruce a new companion fishy.
We wanted another gold fish...
and we ended up picking out a cute little white with other colored blotches female of some more specialized type of gold fish...that I can't remember the name of.
And after we talked it out....
We named her Nutmeg. :)

Aren't they just adorable together?! :D lol.
(Bruce is the orange one. Nutmeg the white one)

We're all happy that Bruce has a fishy friend again.
He was a bit depressed after Pudge died. :(
Now he's perked up once more. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a boat...submarine...with my brother and some other person....searching in the darkness....for sharks. To hunt them.
We were in a rowboat, but the rowboat was under water, but we could still breathe in water. We had search lights moving out into the pitch black darkness, when this wall of grey appeared next to us.
What was it?
A giant shark.
It was the size of a cruise ship.
And we were in a rowboat. :S AHHH!!
We saw its mouth full of sharp teeth as it silently swam next to us.
-you could say we were frozen in fear. It was HUGE!
And its rear end was just as scary as the front.
Underneath its huge tail...there was another mouth like opening full of teeth sticking out from the shark.
It was where all the food remains came out of.
Then the shark spoke to us.
Basically saying "pardon me. I'm not feeling good. Having a bit of trouble here."
And it started going to the bathroom.
:S stinky.
We got out of the way as quickly as possible.

I was in my grandmother's house, coming back from our expedition. I walked into the kitchen and saw a tub of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice cream sitting on the floor. I assumed that my brother had gotten it out to eat and had just forgotten to put it back. Picking up the tub...the ice cream wasn't slushy, so I assumed it hadn't been out long. However, when I turned to the counters, I saw multiple bowls of vanilla ice cream sitting piled on this and that on the counter. It looked like the ice cream hadn't melted either, in its perfect vanilla picture form. Even though I knew those had been out for the night. I went up and poked was soft. Melted soft.
Disgusted I went to the bathroom, and discovered that somebody had accidentally gone on the carpet. (human or animal idk) but it was all soft and gooey and stinky and I did not have a fun time cleaning it up because it kept smearing all over.

Then I was with three people. I was a princess...a lady....and there were three older people like a horse rider, a mentor friend, and some other guy...a swordsman...we were running, trying to escape from this crazy king who wanted power and wanted me to be his. He had a...genie type figure that I kinda just saw as an old white crow...but it was human like as well.... we were escaping and he told the crow to get them back....or something.
basically what happened was that the crow cast a spell on the king figure and ugly black splintered wings popped out of his back. It was rather disturbing a mixture of bird and human that shouldn't have been possible.
The king flew after us....and somebody shot at us with a gun as we fled into the yard of my grandmother's house and across the street to the neighbors. my mentor/friend and I crouched down behind some bushes.
But it didn't help.
I watched in horror as the other two people were shot down in an almost ambush attack of the carriage in the forest.
Then...a bullet shot through the bushes, hitting my mentor friend. Killing him as well.
I had just witnessed the deaths of three of my closest confidants, and the king was coming for me!

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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