Friday, March 9, 2012

A Random Blog Meeting

Do you ever want to do something completely random....
but you end up talking yourself out of it?
Well not this time!
I actually took the plunge and it wasn't as awkward as I was thinking it would be. :)

What did I do? see....
There is this blog....
I may have mentioned it before.
And the people in this blog...obsess over one of my favorite music groups -vocal point.
To the point...where I'm totally jealous. >.>
lol I wish my blog was like theirs...
but I'd need something to obsess over first....
and I've done a couple of blogs where I've explained I don't really obsess...
so I'll keep dreaming that my blog will be epically awesome and funny one day ;) lol.

Anyway...the writers of the blog...
Have come to visit here! To see Vocal Point in person! :D
And they were kind enough to say that they were willing to meet readers after the Vocal Point Concerts.
Soo what did I do?
Yep, I went and met them :D
lol. So much fun!
I even got a little something from them as well for dropping by ^^
It was nice to meet them....
and I wish I could have done a bit more with show them around town...
but I'm content to say that I've met some fellow bloggers that I didn't know before I knew they blogged!
^^;; I feel like I'm part of some special club now.
The club of "we follow your blog so lets meet up in person!"

haha. I admit...I had my doubts about going to see these fellow bloggers.
I mean... >.> <.<
Basically its just the "Hi! I stalk your blog! Nice to meet you!" type of situation.
You know that there are people reading your blog...but to meet them in person?
Yah...I had my qualms about it.
But it turned out well ^^
Hopefully they didn't think me too odd.... :)

Oh well ^^;; I'm still excited about it :D
I went and did something random today!
-because you know...I didn't go to the concert...($$$issues) I just dropped by to say hi to about random lol

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a woman....Julia Roberts.
She was famous, an actress.....this dream now seems alot like Notting Hill now that I think about it.
She was out on the town and ran into this guy....he was tall, cute..ish...he was he wasn't cute to me, but to her he was handsome.
They did the whole get to know each other.
but then came the slanderous something or another.
Something got out to the was a some sort of advertising...a graphic version of her face with bright red lipstick on a clear clear wrap type of thing.
And apparently it was really scandals,
and Julia had to go running from the mobs
She ended up in her house, trying to go to her secret spot where she went to calm herself down, but that spot in the basement was known by fans now so she ended up upstairs in a sewing guest room on a bunk bed. Then the bald guy came in....they started kissing....they woke up the next day together, happy content.....

and then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and i became myself again. :)


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