Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Change of Time

It's that time of year again.
The time of year that anxious college students wait for.
That time of year when....the time you have to go to church changes.
Its intense, especially for the early morning church goers...you know like 9amish.
Yah, that was my ward this past year.
Early Morning church.

You know the best time for church?
Because then you can sleep in.
But not spent all day in church. :)
Its the ideal time for the people who stay up way late, and for those who have plans in the evenings.

The bright side...is that my ward no longer has the early shift.
Yay for sleeping in!!!
Waaaaaayyy in.
After Lunch Time Church! :)

Soo no need to get up early. :)
Or more opportunity to get up early and do other things...

hmmm so many new dynamics to work through.

Speaking of dynamics and problems to work through....

Congrats Olympic Medalists!

Gold: China, United States, Japan, France, South Korea, Italy, Russia, Germany, Australia, Romania, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Brazil, Hungary, Ukraine, South Africa, Netherlands, Georgia, Lithuania, Slovenia

Silver: China, United States, Japan, France, South Korea, Italy, Russia, Germany, Australia, Romania, Great Britain, Brazil, Hungary, Netherlands, Colombia, Mexico, Indonesia, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Cuba, Denmark, Egypt, Poland, Sweden, Thailand

Bronze: China, United States, Japan, France, South Korea, Italy, Russia, Germany, Australia, Romania, North Korea, Great Britain, Canada, Brazil, Hungary, Ukraine, Indonesia, Slovakia, Azerbaijan, Belgium, India, Moldova, Mongolia, New Zealand, Norway, Qatar, Serbia, Uzbekistan

May the competition be just as fierce tomorrow! :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream
There were a group of us sitting in a car in my parents driveway. We had this box of puzzle pieces that we were trying to piece together in order to make a...portal that would get us to a different dimension. I kept commenting that I felt like I'd done this before, and I would find older puzzle pieces with bumps and ink pads on them that would confirm that I had done this before. Finally a girl found pieced together the pieces into the correct configuration and sat it on the niche it was supposed to go in, suddenly we were in an old grey worn down haunted looking house. Another guy with me, dark haired and white skin suddenly remembered the he had been to this place before along with me, but it had been years since he and I had come to this house. it felt like we had been like 6 years old when we came, but I felt like we hadn't come since we were 12. In any case, I knew that it was a bad idea to be in this house, because any door you opened or creature you disturbed, would cause trouble. I knew this. Told the others this, but the kid that had been here before with me didn't listen and he touched something he wasn't supposed to. We ended up disturbing a variety of different monsters, some good some not that great. And basically I ended up sending everybody else back to our home while I stayed and tried to settle the house back down and get everything back to normal. I encountered an old woman with a stooped back and long grey hair. She was the witch of the house, but I got the sense that she'd stayed in this dimension to do the same thing I was doing, and ended up becoming part of the house. I was trying to keep the monsters from attacking and I came across my Olympic Rabbit stuffed animal in the basement. I was rather happy because that meant that I didn't have to go back home in order to have it with me. I also had other stuffed animals that were alive, small dogs and such, basically fondly remembered childhood toys that I was picking and choosing to come with me on a 'dangerous' journey that they might not survive. Some chose to stay behind, others like a small green and black dog chose to come. Our mission was to return to my world and stop the kid that had come with me before from finding the book. This book had a gold Egyptian eye on it and contained the answers on how to get back to the haunted house among other things and under no circumstances could I allow any body to return to this long forgotten world.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)

Oddly enough...I think this dream was a bit of a dejavu dream. Back when I was in elementary/jr. high I had a couple of dreams where you had to do certain things in order to travel to a different world. It was like I was revisiting this world after years and years had passed to see what had changed. It was dangerous back then too, but now it just seemed a bit....darker. musty....


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