Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blog Inspiration

My sister is always coming up with crazy ideas at 3 am in the morning. wasn't three am.
But I did get a crazy idea.

You see, there are days when I want to post more then once on my blog.
However, I can see how that could get annoying rather quickly.
And...if I actually wanted to blog more then once a's called Facebook Status Updates. lol.

The Problem is....I do want to blog more.
I love writing, and blogging is a fun way to just write stuff down.
And not worry too much about consequences.
If I miss correctly a word mistake, or grammar, or whatever,
it's not the end of the world.
It's just me writing. Having fun.
And when I'm having fun, I feel like my writing is better.
It flows easier, then if I'm conscious of using commas in the wrong place, or not at all. Of having long sentences that just go on and on and makes it difficult to want to write as I generally don't pay attention to the punctuation rules. lol I use them to try and get the pacing and tone of what I'm trying to say across.

In any case, a while ago I did start another blog.
I decided to branch out and do a cartoon blog.
Boy is that blog struggling.
You see, I'm not much of a drawer. I can draw, but I'm not patient with time consuming things. Drawing isn't as quick as writing in most cases, and I had wanted to do a 'good job' drawing...and knowing that I couldn't draw well, prevented me from updating that blog constantly. I'm getting to the point where I'm just drawing kindergarten cartoons for the most part. Not worrying too much on how everything looks, just that I want to tell a story and use pictures to tell it.
-That blog is in case you want to go check it out. Right now my current rate of updating that blog is like twice a month...if I'm lucky. Hopefully I can update it more constantly in the future. I'm still figuring it out. :)

So I have a cartoon blog, where I want to tell stories with pictures.
I have this blog, where I do tell stories from my own life or from others, among other musings.

But. It wasn't enough for me.
I needed something else to do.

I found the inspiration in...well an odd place.
You see, I'd just finished watching BBC's version of Sherlock.
With only six didn't take me long to finish that.
And with shows I actually like...when I have nothing else to watch...I go look up stuff.
Somehow or another I ended up stumbling across Dr. Watson's blog.
You know the blog that is mentioned in the show?
Actually exists!
I was impressed. :) Really impressed.
I halfway thought that it would just be a 'recap' sort of thing with all the shows.
It wasn't.
It goes into more details on the cases that were mentioned/briefly seen, and also cases and events that didn't happen on the show as well. But my favorite part was noticing that characters from the show, would also comment on Dr. Watson's blog.

I discovered a love for this back when Totally Missing The Point (blog about the singing group Vocal Point) and that members of the group talked about in the blog...would actually comment!
It. was. awesome!
lol totally made me want to start a blog and hope that Vocal Point would comment there as well. I didn't because well...I'm not that obsessed with them, and I have no idea what I would have written about.

But this. Dr. Watson's blog.
Gave me an idea.
I mean. Dr. Watson is technically a fictional character.
One that has a blog that us nonfictional folk can access in real life!

What if....I did something similar?
I could do this.

I have a ton of characters running around in my head.
Over 200 by now I'm sure. With more coming into existence constantly.
I can't write them all down at once, I can't even focus on telling one story before my mind drifts to another and I jump to that one.
I compare it to a field of flowers and I'm like a humming bird (or bee, or butterfly) that just hops from flower to flower (story to story) sometimes I spend more time on one story then another, or jump back to a flower already visited, or just go back and forth between three.....
In any case. It's hard to stay focused enough to get stuff written down, though I am doing pretty good with that on paper....

I thought...what if my characters had a blog.
There are a few of them who could be fun to write.
It could help me on getting the right 'voice for them' Get the story from their perspective.
And it would just be super cool to give my characters a blog!
And even more supremely cool to have my characters comment on each other's posts.

Ha. Well. A few days ago.
I started it.
My character blog.

I told my friends about it, and I think I started a craze. They too are starting character blogs and are having their characters comment on my blog while mine comment on theirs. It's a ton of fun.
So far...I'm loving it!

For you see...:D I can post more than once a day. ^^ lol
I've had the same character post multiple times in a single day, as well as more than one character post in a single day -depending on their stories.

It's been soo much fun, I've been rather obsessive about it. lol. I'm working on reigning myself in so I don't post too many posts in one day...though I probably won't be able to stop myself from adding more characters writing blogs as inspiration hits me on what they would actually say in a blog post.

Soo here it is! My characters' blog:

And don't worry about wondering what character you are reading. They all will sign off with their name, and I have them color coded. :) Meaning, each character will write in a certain color. You'll see if you check it out. :)
Though I would strongly suggest going to the first post and start there...otherwise some things a character says won't make sense as they're referring to events in previous blog posts. :)
And if you want to just read posts by one particular character, I have their name as a label. (located at the very bottom of their post) Click on that and you'll get all the blog posts by that person. :)

Hope you have fun with my latest obsession!
Oh! Also if you want links to other character blogs, they are listed under the Page: Nousplosion on that blog. If you decide to start one yourself, let me know! I'll post a link on that page so others can check out yours! :)  

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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