Saturday, June 22, 2013

Meeting Number 2

First Impressions.
They are so important.
Especially when you're transferring into a new environment.
Because that first impression,
Can be hard to get rid of.
Especially if it's not a good first impression.

Let's just say...Number Two hasn't made a good impression.

Number Two.
Who is N02?

She's a transfer from a different Starsmet, one from halfway across the country.  
Started officially in the store yesterday.
I didn't meet her then. I left before she showed up.

I did meet her today.

She's called Number Two because...well, she has my name.
-Automatic dislike in my book. I tried to not let it affect me. But there is a dislike of having to share my name. Especially in 'my territory.' -My store.
And since my name isn't really a name that has a nickname or a way to shorten it...
I'm referred to as No1 now lol. To cut down on the confusion when both of us are in the store.
And if both of us are still in the store when NO1.5 comes back...things will get crazy. 1.5 is so numbered because she also had my name, but worked at the store before me. However she left, which moved me up to 1, but if she comes in she's technically older then no2 so like Lion King 1 1/2 she'll be a middle number. Yah...I don't get it either, hopefully it's less confusing if that actually happens.

In any case. No2.

I'm pretty sure she's taken offense to being Second.
I mean she told me quite succinctly that 'her store was number 1 in the district.' where she came from.
Yah. Number 1s don't like suddenly being Number 2s.
And Number 1s don't like it when Number 2s move into their territory either.
O.o 'our store has been number 1 in the district too you know. We slide between 1-3 depending on the week.'
Her reply "Well. There's always room for improvement."
Meow. Snooty much? Yes. Yes she was. "Your feeder fish tanks are filthy. I can barely stand to look at them, let alone put my hand in them. Don't you have assigned charts to clean them? I don't think your people are doing their jobs if you do."
Well No. But. "You should have seen them when I first came in, they were worse off. We just barely got most of our tanks switched out due to the algae." And Girl! CHILL OUT! WE GET BUSY! WE DON'T ALWAYS HAVE TIME TO CLEAN THE ALGAE!
"you know that the crickets can get more air if you do it in this way. It keeps the bag firmer."
"Oh yah, so and so does it that way, but we all have our own method." Why aren't you helping me bag the crickets then? -I don't think she likes bugs even though she denied it. I don't think she wants to show us weakness. She is in foreign country right now. In a grey zone. She's been with Starsmet for a while now, but wasn't a new hire, so we didn't train her, she was trained elsewhere. Therefore Grey zone.

In any case.

I really want to strangle her.
This attitude. This 'holier then thou' persona she's giving off. Is totally not making friends with any of the other employees.

And it's not just me and the 'she has my name complex' I have.
I checked in with others who have worked with her.
Same thing.
They all have the same impression that I have.
Snooty. Holier then thou attitude. "I know what I'm doing and you obviously don't." attitude. She even got snooty with a manager! 
"Has this been done yet?" "Ah. No. We haven't had time. The truck still needs to be unloaded" "Well, someone needs to be assigned to get this done when you can."

O.o Excuse me. Who's been working here longer? Not you. Who's the manager? Not you.

Ugh. Yah. Not my favorite person in the store. It's not a good thing when you've only been on the job two days and two of the departments are crossing their fingers, hoping that she doesn't have to work in that department that day, or that week, or ever.  

I think it's mostly with her approach.
She's coming on a bit...aggressive. Treating us like she's the best and we're stumbling around blindfolded in a maze. Her way is the better way. yadda yadda.

The problem is. She doesn't see all the changes that have happened. My store definitely wasn't the best. It had to go through a major overhaul because the store was suffering. -I came on just after the major changes.- Where everyone was still finding their feet and getting things done. We've improved so much. I mean, we went from being in the red (last) to number 1 while I've been here. No, we're probably not up to whatever standards her old Starsmet had. But it's a much better place then it was. Because she doesn't see how much it's changed, she only sees what is still in the works of getting better. She doesn't know or understand. And if she doesn't change her attitude... 

Cire said it best. "If she approached it differently, I would be willing to mesh her policies with ours as they fit to our situation. If she said approached the situation more...passively. Suggesting ideas of what worked in her old store, instead of telling us flat out that 'it should be done this way,
We wouldn't feel like our backs were against the wall. I want to know what her store did, what things they've done that have helped improve their store and see if we can incorporate it here, but it's hard to want to do that when you feel like you're under attack and have to defend what you have."

Yah...I'm trying to like her. Seriously I am. And I do. You know, until she does something or said something that feels like an attack. Then I feel like I have to defend.
And I'm trying really hard to not bring the claws out.
-Contrary to popular belief. I do have claws. I will use them. Especially when it involves something I care about. And I care about my store. I will defend it. Claws at the ready. Rawr.

Right now, I'm hoping that No2's attitude is just a temporary thing that will relax as time passes.
As Reth seemed really excited to have her, and I'm not looking forward to having to tell her that half of our department doesn't like No2 And that they don't want her there, when Reth gets back from her Vaca.

I mean she was extremely rude to Juce last night, so I hear. "You don't know much about animals do you?" No2 said to her. Juce was like "O.o Well...I'm new." Juce has only been here like a month. I've been here nearly a year and I still don't know everything. And I highly doubt No 2 knows everything as she's only been working in the company for 7 months. Obviously Juce won't know everything. Even with my experience with having so many pets growing up, I don't know everything. There are questions that can't be answered.

But. You don't tell a fellow coworker that. That they don't know much about animals. What sort of help does that give the new person? None. It just makes them feel bad. Or worse if they've been having a bad day. Instead, You help them out. Let them listen in on your conversations, tell them tidbits of information so they can learn. Teach them. Do Not put them down. How does putting down a coworker help their morale? It doesn't.

Yah. Please be a temporary attitude. Please be just the "I'm in a new place, among strangers who are all friends with each other and I'm by myself. AH!" jitters.

Because I do want to like her. I do want to work with her.
I do not want to work with that attitude. So we'll see. See if this is temporary or not.

We will see.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream, involved being chest deep in water, but I don't remember much beyond that.

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