Sunday, June 23, 2013

Too Tired

I'm sure we've all done this.
Closed our eyes and thought "I'll open my eyes when the show comes back on."
...Only the commercials are long enough....
That your eyes may not open....for a while.

I knew I was tired last night.
I was getting ready to head to my bed and sleep.
I don't know why I didn't get up.
But the couch...I just laid down, curious on how a show was going to end.
Telling myself, I would get up and go to bed in just a minute.

Well, somehow, my eyes closed.
And didn't open right away again.

It was the oddest feeling waking up.

Because I had no idea where I was.

I expected to wake up in my bed.
I mean, that's where I usually go to sleep.
Why would I not wake up there.

But. I felt. Something on my right side.
A wall of sorts.
At first I thought I was just pressed against the wall next to my bed.
I opened my eyes. And saw the edge of a chair. You know the couch.
My first thought was that I was in my bed at my parents home. Sleeping on it in it's couch position.
Then I realized, that was the wrong color.

Finally, I came to the realization. I'd fallen asleep on the couch in my living room!
I hadn't ever made it to my bed. I'd even left the TV on, the lights on.

I stumbled to my feet and found a clock.

I didn't have to get up til 8. So I turned off everything, and went to my bedroom and crashed once more in my bed.

I wasn't the only one.
I noticed one of my roommates had her light on at that early hour.
My first thought was that she'd pulled an all nighter again.
-She'd done so two Sundays ago in order to prepare a talk for church.
I couldn't think of another reason why she would be up so early.
Well...she wasn't.
lol she'd been tired too,
and had fallen asleep with her light on.

Yah. A night to be tired apparently.
Though she didn't fall asleep on the couch like I did.

So weird that I did that....

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was watching a frog. Waiting for something to happen, so that I could do something with it. But for now, I was keeping it under my pillow.
Only there were toads beginning to surround me, wanting the frog hiding under my pillow. I wasn't going to let them have it, but I didn't know what to do with all those toads either...

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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