Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I am so tired.
I don't know why either.
But for the last little bit.
I've been getting really tired.
Which is odd because I've been managing to get more sleep then normal.
Yet by the time the end of the day comes...I'm so worn out and sleepy...that I couldn't think of anything else to write for this blog post. lol.

Mostly, I think it has to do with the heat of summer coming on.
Being hot makes me sleepy.
And not feel well either. As for the past little bit, I have been getting faint headaches everyday.
Tension in the shoulders, in the neck, tiredness behind the eyes, and I get a headache.
usually I can make it go away.
It's just odd that it's been happening everyday.

Methinks...again it's the heat.
It probably means I need to be drinking more liquids to stay more hydrated.
Eating more food as I'm probably burning more carbs trying to stay cool.
and figuring out how much sleep I do need so that I can be awake when I want to be awake, and tired when I need to be tired.

Then again, I may be stressing more then usual. I mean...having to deal with No 2 at work, having been in charge of my department for a week while Reth was gone, knowing that we're getting a DM visit next week so we have to prepare, knowing that my brother will probably be getting his mission call this week, cracking my Ipod further by accidently dropping it, and who knows what else is making me tense and worry and well stress out even if I appear calm and feel calm. It's just those little subconscious tensions. Those worries that you're not aware you're worrying about but you are worrying about....

Who knows.
All I know is...I don't want to be tired, I want to be awake....and it's just not happening.
So unwillingly, I'm probably going to head to bed to let my body and brain rest and prepare for tomorrow. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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