Sunday, June 30, 2013

A Scare

Two of my managers made it their goal this week to scare me.
As they've tried to do so every now and then, without success.
Apparently it's bugging them.
I'm pretty good at sneaking up on them, not on purpose, I just tend to walk quietly and they don't notice me until I'm right there. Again, most of the time, it's not on purpose. lol.

And I guess it's unfair that they can't scare me back.
I've just tamped down on the 'scream and jump' reflex.
Most of the time.

My managers didn't manage to scare me.

My roommate did.

You see. I was in a panic.
I'd driven from work on a lunch break to get to church for sacrament meeting before I would have to drive back to work for a few more hours.
And like usual. It didn't go as smoothly as planned.
The lights were being evil (like they usually are when you're in a hurry) and then, when I got to our ward...there weren't any parking spots! I was already down to the wire on getting there on time. And this. This wasn't helping.
After a bit of crazy driving, that I'm glad no other cars or cops were nearby to witness, I found a parking spot.
I dashed up the hill as quickly as I could in sandals.
Up the stairs.

And just as I was passing into the home stretch...

"Boo!" My roommate jumped out from the doorway hands in the typical claw formation.

lol, In the panicked "I MUST GET TO CHURCH ON TIME I HAVE TO GET TO CHURCH ON TIME!" mode I was in...I totally wasn't expecting to have somebody suddenly jump out of me.
Not quite sure what went through my mind, but it went along the lines of 'now I am going to be late!"

So yah. I jumped. Inhaled sharply. and cried out "Don't do that!"
No screaming though. ;) That reflex is still tamped down. For now.

The lesson of the day?
If you want to scare me. Wait for me to be in a total panic, focused on one goal and one goal only, and rushing towards something. Then strike. I'll give a reaction then. ;) Maybe.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a little boy. Out and about. With some others. Down below us, among the tress along a cliff line. There was a father and son running along the thin path. And the little boy who was a bit older then the son, could not be seen by them. He was told to climb a tree and hide. Which he did, as the father and son ran by. But then...time repeated itself, and he was told to once again climb the tree. "But, I've already climbed that tree. Won't I see myself?" he asked.
"Climb higher and you won't be."
So the boy climbed the tree again, higher up.
Only this time.
The father and son too stopped and climbed the tree.
They didn't see the boy hiding a few branches above them.
They suddenly had to exit the tree, and the boy followed. Running after them, they jumped off a cliff and into the see. He followed suit. Unable to do anything else.

The boy discovered that he was actually an older son, and that there was a middle son, though something happened and he realized that there wasn't a middle son. He had been the middle son that he'd seen. I'm not sure if the younger son was actually the boy as well, but it was heading that direction when....

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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