Sunday, December 3, 2017

Duel Masters

It's kinda funny how things come back.

So. Back when we were younger, my siblings, daddoo and I all got really into Yu-gi-oh.
Like...that was basically where our allowance went every week lol.
It was a family activity to gather cards, create decks, duel. 

But like most things....
It kinda just faded away.
I don't even remember why we stopped playing....

But we did. 

And it has been years since we've played. 

However, in the past month, the game has made a resurgence in our family lol. 

It started with my brother I believe. 
And then it moved onto the rest of us.
Where we went and found our old cards, dusted them off, created decks.
And well. Dueled.

It's actually surprising how I'd forgotten how fun it is.
It's basically a game of strategy.

And it's been really fun to have matches with my siblings.
Just to play each other.
To see old cards that you're really fond of and find cards you didn't even remember buying. 

I have to say that Kikay is definitely the Duel Master. Her deck is basically undefeatable. *exhales* 
Note to self. Beat that deck. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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