Saturday, December 16, 2017

Long Day

It was the vibrating of my phone that drew me out of my sleep. 
Which, considering my alarms are actual sounds when It's time for me to get up, the fact that the vibrating of my phone can manage to pull me out of sleep is rather impressive.
A confused glance to the clock as I reached for my phone showed me that there was no reason why it should be making any sort of noise. I still had two more hours before I needed to get up for work....
But as I looked at the screen of my phone, I saw that it was work calling.
Not a good sign.
Though at least this time around I knew it was because I wasn't late for work. 
So the only other reason for work to be calling me...would be that they needed me for something.

Turns out I was right.
Upon answering the phone, and my manager apologizing for waking me up. 
I was asked if I could come into work a couple of hours early to cover one of my coworkers who was sick.
Sick enough that they couldn't stand up without throwing up. 
Which definitely is sick. 

The manager told me that I would be able to leave my shift early if I came in early.
Which I was all for. 
So I totally agreed.
Because I don't like working evening shifts, and if I was able to come in for the morning. Even better for me lol. 

So I went into work early.
Which, with our longer holiday hours, meant that I showed up as we opened our doors for customers. (not that many customers come in early) 

But basically my goal was to get the department open as quickly as possible, and help customers as they came in.

It wasn't going to be a bad thing. turned out that I couldn't leave early. 
Today was projected to be the 'busiest' Saturday of the year. And the head manager wanted to have all hands on deck. Which meant, that instead of being able to leave a couple of hours early from my original shift...I would be working my entire shift as well.
Which totaled to be like 11 hours...

Which I was alright to doing.
And wasn't totally surprised by.
The thing with retail is that things never go according to plan. So I kinda just roll with the changes. 

Plus the managers were sweet (and felt bad for having me stay) and so I ended up with two lunch breaks where they gave me food. ^^ Yay food!! lol. 

But yah...It was basically 11 hours of me being social. Acting cheerful. Helping customers and coworkers out and basically being energetic.

And's so draining when I do that.
I got home and basically my brain died. 
Because...I really am not a social person. 
It drains me to have to consistently talk to people.
And doing it for basically the entire 11 hours I was at work....
I'm pretty much nonfunctional, once I get home and can sit down and relax. 

Totally crazy.

Hopefully I don't have to do it again any time soon...

...but considering I've lost/am loosing multiple coworkers....
It doesn't bode well.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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