Wednesday, August 21, 2019

A Visit

We had the DM come into the store today.
To do a much deeper walk through with the managers than they had done last week when we had the big big big visitors come in. 

Which is semi irritating because the DM was just THERE last week. *exhales*

But at the same time it's a good thing.
Because my manager over my department has never, to my knowledge, done a walk through the department with the DM.
As they're usually off that day or come in after the DM has left. So any information on the walks through the department has been second hand. 

So I figured it was a good thing to have my Manager finally present for the walk, that way they could see in person what the DM is expecting from the department.

Obviously my manager was nervous. Having not done the walk before. 

Overall though it seems that things went alright.
They were still going through department stuff when I left.
So I don't know all that we need to improve on.

But I did hear a few tidbits here and there.

Like us needing to feed Bloodworms to the Fish every Friday after the new shipment comes in. 

Which we had been doing, but I've been trying to order in new bloodworms for us to use from our store supplies...and guess what? They haven't sent us any for MONTHS. I keep trying and Nothing. *exhales* But the DM gave us permission to use bloodworms in the store to feed the fish. So yay there.

Then there was some little details about the fishtanks like needing floating plants for the angelfish tanks...which we did have at one point but they vanished.
Methinks a clueless coworker through them away. *exhales*
But I fixed that as soon as I heard we still needed them by having a manager write off some more plants and putting them immediately in the tanks.
And then apparently our small parrots need to have three toys instead of two. So I grabbed more toys to put into their cages.

I know there's a lot of other little details.
But I haven't found out what those are yet.
But at least my manager has a better idea of what is expected in the department. 
So yay that. 

Guess we'll see how it all turns out after that. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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