Monday, August 12, 2019

Moving About

Moving Day!

Not for me though. 

No, I'm sticking around for a bit. lol.

But moving day for my new roomie!! Woot!
And I'm more excited about this particular roomie because we've been like friends for forever!
And I'm looking forward to living with her again. 
As our energies tend to be similar, and our interests are pretty similar, so we get along pretty well.
Plus she also more easy going, and I'm looking forward to have a more relaxed roomie to be around where I don't have to worry about getting on the wrong foot. 

So yah!
I helped her move in, carrying boxes and such and even went to her old place to help her move a couple larger pieces of furniture since I had a larger car. :D 

But yah...going into her old place was weird.
Because it was like one of those old pioneer houses.
And the layout of the house didn't make sense at all.
But made for a great place to explore lol. 
The rooms connected weirdly, and there were weird features like...a sink in the hallways....and not in the bathroom where there was also another sink.
And my new roomie's old room had this door in it where you could enter and exit---if there were stairs. But there weren't. It was just a door in the wall with the outside ground like three feet below. O.o 
So. Weird.

I couldn't explore much since I was helping her move things.
But it was one of those old houses where I would suspect there to be a secret room, or random staircases and I just wanted to explore....

Wouldn't want to live there though. :S :S :S That place had such the creepy 'old' vibe to it. :S 
It wouldn't surprise me if it was haunted really lol. 

I think my friend is excited to be away from the place. 
Hopefully she likes living here. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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