Thursday, August 15, 2019


It was a rough ending to my work day.
As I'd spent the last couple of hours trying to 'help' people that were being....well difficult.
Not difficult in the difficult sense.
But difficult in that there was like this 'wall' in our communication styles so it was hard for the customers and I to get our respective points across.

They knew exactly what they wanted.
But weren't able to communicate it in such a way that I could easily understand what they wanted.

Like a customer wanting to adopt a cat, but needing extra paperwork filled out that involved a lot of questions I didn't know the answers to and time wasted as they called various people to get the answers they needed, as well as accidentally filling out the paperwork for the wrong cat and gAH. 

Then there were multiple fish customers in a row with filter questions that were difficult to answer.
Like one dude wanted a round undergravel filter but we didn't carry that and he knows we don't carry it and no one else carries it in the size he needed but he wanted us to carry it and what solution could I offer for him when we don't have what he wants....
His manner of speaking was soo....difficult to work through as I could tell our communication styles were different and I knew he knew what he was talking about but communicating that need was difficult for me to understand. *exhales* 
Especially when he was convinced we carried the tank he had though the tank he was describing was ten gallons bigger than the one he pointed out on the shelf as being the 'same' one. 
And like....idk.

It was hard.
I hate not being able to help people.
and it felt like the later part of the day was one failure after another in being able to help customers find what they needed. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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