Sunday, August 4, 2019


So today, I drove up North.
Because Daddoo had informed me that the raspberries and yellow pear tomatoes that I love were ripe and ready.
And like how could I resist that?! lol. 

In any case.
I stayed long enough for it to be dinner time.
And Daddoo was like "Why don't you cook?" 

So I was like "Okay." But had the devious thought that I immediately implemented of "I will cook if you'll clear off the counter for me." 

Because one of the many struggles Daddoo has had since Mother Dearest passed keeping up on the cleaning.

And the kitchen is one of those disaster zones that just...gathers all sorts of things.
So I figured I was being rather clever asking him to clean off the counter.
Because then at least something would be clean right?


He did clean off the counter.....

But instead know, throwing away trash and putting dirty dishes in the sink and things like know...things people would do to 'clean.'

Daddoo just basically moved it all from the counter onto the kitchen table.


Which I didn't realize until after dinner had been cooked and we needed the kitchen table to eat atl.

*shakes head*

Why not save yourself the trouble and throw things away and put the dishes in the sink to wash?
It saves you a step. Because you move things exactly where they should go.....

And I halfway now see why Daddoo has problems cleaning.
Because if his version of cleaning is just moving the clutter somewhere else.....
It's going to be an endless round of ring around the rosie.

*fingers crossed* We can help him learn better habits......

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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