Sunday, August 25, 2019

Time Change

It's so weird.

I mean, I'm rather used to switching our church times at the beginning of the Fall Semester for the various colleges because I live in a college town and a ton of people tend to move back into the valley with the starting of the new school year. 

For us, our time change shifted to an hour later.
Which is...less good for me as it's closer to lunch time now which means church ends like an hour later....and while it's extremely helpful in helping us get to church on time because we're all already awake and such.
But not good for Fast Sundays as I barely did okay with fasting at our old church time...the new time would mean fasting longer. *exhales* 

But it's something that is tolerated and I can only hope that it doesn't end up switching to a later time.

However, the major difference this time change has is that we also switched what room we meet in for Sacrament and such.

To our benefit it's a room closer to the doors where me and my roomies end up entering through. So if we're running late, it's quite easy to just dart in the doors rather than having to weave through half the building to get to our room.

Still it's weird.
We've been meeting in that old room for like...three years now? Ever since I moved into the ward.
So to have us switch to a different room?
So weird.
So very weird.
But it makes sense as our ward hasn't been large enough to fill the room we were in.
So hopefully this new place makes the ward feel 'larger' even though the space is 'smaller.'

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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