Saturday, July 25, 2020


There are some days at work where customers are...needier than others.

Today was one of those 'everyone is needy' days.
The days where you have multiple customers in a row who want you to basically hold their hand the entire time they're shopping for their pet because they want to make sure that every little choice they make is the correct choice and that they're getting the best things for their pets (or in some people's cases, the cheapest things for their pet because they don't want to spend a ton of money on getting things for the pet so force you to go looking through the entire store for 'better deals' so that they can save more money. Gah.)
But like.

I had that multiple times in a row today.
Mostly with customers needing help setting up tanks for their reptiles.
Or their tanks for their fish.

And they wanted to make sure that the food was right, the tank was right, the decor was right, the pet they picked out was right.

And some were even like "Decide for me!" You decorate your tank how you want it decorated. You pick out your fish. Because what I think is pretty and aesthetically pleasing you may not.

So yah. 
It was a lot of hand holding today.

But also a lot of customers who needlessly prolonged their interactions with me because they ended up being picky/indecisive with their fish.

Which with each customer interaction I tend to bank on having to use a certain amount of energy based on how I feel like the interaction will go.
So if I think the customer will just be getting three types of fish, I plan to expend the energy needed to catch those three types of fish, bag them up, and hand them to the customer.

But I really don't like those people who end up changing their mind.
Or pick one fish and then take forever to decide on their next set of fish.
Or keep adding onto their fish list of what they want me to catch.

It gets me annoyed really quick because this five minute interaction is now turning into a twenty minute interaction and I have people waiting to be helped now when I didn't before because customers had to look at every single fish tank every single time they were trying to decide on their next set of fish.

I had a father son duo who did that.
Said they wanted fish.
But weren't as ready as they thought they were when I was there to help them.
And so were like "Okay you grab those algae eaters while we decide on the rest."

Which is amusing. Because people don't expect me to be able to catch fish quickly.
Which most of the time I can.
Especially when I'm in a hurry and trying to keep interactions to a minimum so I can move onto the next customer.
So when I caught the fish within like two seconds they were not prepared for that.
And I could basically see their brains short circuit as they scrambled to decide which fish they actually wanted next because they realized I was waiting on them and they weren't waiting on me.

But there was also another customer who was like: 
"I want these two fish. The biggest ones in there."
To which I caught them.
And then the customer was like "I want these fish here. Just three. Of the biggest."
Only for him to see another of the same fish in the tank so He was like "Four!" 
Only to see another and be like "Five! I want all five of those fish!" 
And then as I prepare to bag up the first set of fish I caught him, the customer was like "No, I can't have these in my tank. I don't want them."
Which I was fine putting those back, though I did wish he had decided that before I wrote on the bag. *exhales*
But he seemed content just to have the other five fish....
Until I had finished bagging them.
As he'd been looking at the tanks while I was bagging the five fish.
And decided he wanted two more fish. 
Only to see as i was catching the two that there was a third one in the tank and so he wanted that one too.
BUT then as I was working to bag up those fish, he saw some more cichlids he wanted in the top tank.
And was like "Catch me that big one!"
Only to decide once I'd caught the bigger one that he wanted a second one from that same tank.

And by the end of the interaction was like "Dude. STOP LOOKING AT THE FREAKING FISH" because I had only planned to expend enough energy with this customer to bag up two bags of fish and the dude keep monopolizing my time by making me catch more fish for him when I had customers waiting. 
Like dude.
Stop looking. STOP IT. 

I was relieved when I finally managed to bag the rest of his fish before he decided he wanted even more.
*shakes head*

So yah.
Customers who are needy in various ways....when you're suffering from a migraine...on a busy Saturday.....
Is exhausting.

I don't mind them in small doses.
But when every customer decides they need to be difficult in some manner.
It gets hard to keep up the energy real quick.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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