Thursday, July 16, 2020

Willfully Rebellious

I suppose there's good reason why I've been avoiding going to the grocery store.
Because I just get soo...angry isn't the word. But definitely irritated is up there at how willfully people ignore the 'one way' aisles that have been in the store for at least two months now it feels like.

Like the signs couldn't be any clearer of "Enter here" "Do Not Enter" 

And yet, apparently people feel like they don't need to follow directions.

I even watched as one customer stopped at the end of an aisle. Looked down at the "Do Not Enter" sticker blatantly in front of their eyes.
And then continue INTO the aisle going the wrong way.

Just like. *exhales*

I can only imagine the struggle it's gonna be for the workers at the various grocery stores in the coming weeks with the new 'must wear a mask' mandate.

Like, from all the backlash I've been seeing on the newsfeed from just people in my city and my county from not liking mask mandates...I can only imagine the poor workers who will have to put up with angry and potentially violent customers who are asked to wear masks. 

I also wonder how soon it will be before my own store ends up asking people to wear masks.
Like right now we have signs stating that 'masks are recommended' 
But with how all the major big brand stores are jumping on the 'wear a mask' train now.
I can only imagine it's a matter of time. 

It's gonna be interesting.

But yah.
There's a reason why I stock up on my work snack foods and avoid going to the store for a month at a time.
Because I have to deal with enough stupid people at my job.
I don't want to have to see and deal with more stupid people at other public places.

Like there was a survey done where, in my county, if you go to a place where there's at least fifty people (like grocery stores) then there's a 90% chance that someone within the store already has the virus.

Like :S :S :S yikes.

It's just...gah.
That people are taking the 'wear a mask' mandate so personally.
Like.  It's not about your 'rights'
It's about keeping people safe. It's about caring about other people.

In the end it boils down to "Do you care if another person dies or not?" 
Because that's what wearing a mask helps to prevent.
It helps to prevent us from getting sick.
Social distancing is to help prevent us from getting sick.

And it's just so frustrating how many people just willfully ignore it and want life to be 'normal'

Life won't be normal.
At this rate I wouldn't be surprised if life doesn't return to a 'normal' standard until 2022 because people feel like they have to rebel against safety measures that aren't really that difficult to uphold.

I just...gah.
I wish the United States would just follow the examples of other countries who have succeeded in lowering the curve and getting rid of the pandemic in their borders.

Because it's completely stupid how politicized this has all become.

Wish I could just hermit at home until 2022 and not have to deal with it.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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