Tuesday, July 21, 2020


I have to admit.
I was stressing a bit. 
When I read the email from my work saying that starting on Monday we would be requiring the customers to wear masks within their stores. 

I mean, I was expecting it.
Considering that Walmart and other major store brands had stated that they would be requiring masks this week.
I figured it would only be a matter of time before corporate would jump on board the mask wearing train and make it required within our stores. 

It's stressful.
I mean, I've seen and read the news stories about how...well violent customers can get towards workers who ask them to wear masks.

And like...I wouldn't think the people here would get that violent.
But after having to work through a pandemic.
I'm more likely to believe that even here. People can get violent.

Just seeing how people react to us asking them to stand behind lines so that they don't touch the glass.
And how people reacted when we had to tell them we weren't accepting returns for two months. 

With all the discourse over wearing or not wearings masks.

I could only expect it to be bad at work.

And yet. 
With all the big brand stores also requiring masks. 
Perhaps that would prevent people from going off the rails crazy. 

If everyone's requiring masks.
They can't get mad over our store requiring masks too.

But you never know until you face the situation. 

So I was a bit leery about being at work today.
As it was my first day after the mask requirement.

So I wasn't quite sure what to expect.
Like how would we go about enforcing the mask rule now?

Most people have gotten the memo.
And brought their own masks.
Those who forgot, took one we provided them without complaint. 

I heard we had one upset customer yesterday.
But today we only had like one person get snippety at us.

So it was kinda a relief.
That people weren't getting all angry/violent/belligerent on us. 

Hopefully it continues that way.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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