Friday, July 3, 2020

Over the Lake

Usually tonight is a night where my family gathers together at the golf course on the mountain above my Daddoo's house. 
It's been a tradition for as long as I can remember.
We go up and spend the afternoon hanging out on the green, eating KFC, playing phase 10, and once it gets dark, watching the fireworks show that's put on every year. 
There's only been probably a handful of times that we've missed them.

And it's been a favorite tradition of mine for years and years.

Due to the pandemic...the golf course fireworks were cancelled this year.

I mean considering that thousands of people show up to makes sense to avoid having such a huge crowd gather to watch the fireworks. Even if everyone is outside for them. Social distancing would be more difficult to maintain. 

Doesn't mean I'm not disappointed though.
I love those fireworks.

But, in the meantime, my family decided that we would do our own fireworks show. 
Where each sibling would contribute fireworks and Daddoo would provide the food (KFC).

And since Kikay now lives in her own house, we decided since it's further away from people and has this nice big lake with a marina near their home...that we would shoot off fireworks from the rocky piers there. 

Though that plan was called into question earlier this week Kikay was evacuated due to a huge fire burning up the mountainside. 
But there were no changes to restrictions for fireworks after the fact and with their house safe and definitely not burned to the ground, we decided to meet there anyways.

Though there was definitely a bit of trepidation because we weren't sure we could shoot off fireworks from the pier or not. (There were no signs saying not to soooo)

But I do have to admit that it was fun.

Watching the aerials shoot up into the air.
We even got another group to team up with us and shoot up their fireworks along with ours.
--Though they finished their half before we did and like...left? Before our fireworks were done?? so weird.

But it was awesome just to watch the fireworks shoot up into the sky over the lake.
And more fun. Just having the family and family-in-laws together, chatting, talking, having fun and making fun of our fireworks displays because we started small and moved to bigger aerials while the other group just had all big aerials XD lol. So we looked rather pathetic with our tiny sparkler types at first. XD it was great to just tease and such. 
Definitely a change up from the normal 3rd of July celebrations we usually do.

But I did enjoy it more than I thought I would.
And it seems like the family had a ton of fun with it too.
So this may become a new family tradition.
Though I do hope it doesn't replace the golf course fireworks. That's one tradition I want to keep as a tradition for as long as possible. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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