Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Nomenclature Society

I am a writer.
A rather slow one because I'm easily distracted
With life, the Internet, school, the Internet, homework, the Internet, a social life, the Internet, new story ideas, the Internet....did I mention the Internet?
lol actually the Internet has become less of a distraction for me we can take out five of those six Internets. :) But other things do distract Minesweeper and Movies and things mentioned above, so though I come up with a bunch of ideas for books...
I have yet to write a full one.

But anyway.
A new idea that has been playing in my head
is to have some sort of society that is based off of nomenclature of the human body.
The bones, the major regions, the joints, the nerves, the ligaments, blood, basically every part of the body.
And to take those scientific names. Like the fovea of the head of the femur bone or something.
And make a society out of it.
Have terms of the head like the Sphenoid bone, the cerebrum, and the spinosum foreman of the sphenoid bone become names of different areas of the government.
or to have people named after the Latin names for those different parts of the body.
The trick would be, that their names would actually have something to do with that part of the body in their lives.
Like the 'Caput" is Latin for 'the head." so maybe somebody's title would be Caput Cerebrum or something.

Heh...yah Anatomy has kinda been in my head....since I have to do something with it almost everyday....
But it is an interesting concept. If I had time to sit down and work it all out....I think I'd be rather proud and amazed at the results. :D lol.

Yes...that will be fun to work on....someday. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream.
Do you remember when I said right before I ended the anatomy is on the brain?
Well...I woke up thinking about anatomy....the image I saw yesterday of an actual leg and all its ligaments connected....
>.< I wish the dream would have been a stronger presence in my mind...because waking up thinking about rather dull. lol :)


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