Saturday, February 5, 2011


What would it be like to pick and choose what you would like your child to be like?
Would it be a boy or girl?
What color would their hair be?
They're height?
What would they be good at?

Would you choose to genetically engineer your children..
Or let them come the 'natural' way?

These questions have been running through my head for most of the day.
Last night I watched the movie "Gattaca" for the first time.

And the general premise is about a natural born child who is expected to only live 30 years, and his dream of getting into space.

Its a rather....different concept....that I've never thought of before.
What would it be like to know what you were getting when you decided to have a child?

I....think I'd rather leave it up to fate lol.
I'm rather indecisive about things...and picking and choosing what my children would be like.....
Yah...I'd fluctuate back and forth between decisions
And I'd just end up with one huge headache lol :)

But I did like the movie. With its "over come societies expectations" it was really thought provoking.

And I'm still thinking about it and all the consequences and social stigmas that would result from being able to create your child....

....I think that's all I'm going to say for now. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream.

Dealt with me being around alot of people. I remember my siblings and a couple of high school friends being there. And we were in a reminds me of a disk...(like a Frisbee...but a Greek disc..) And there might have been a green...wand or something cylinder like involved that we were all holding....I also think of spies...but otherwise....I don't really remember much. :(

And that
is why the fox never came home. :)


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