Monday, February 14, 2011

Cards, Boxes and Candy

Happy Valentine's Day!!

I remember liking Valentines day as a kid.
Why? Well...for got a whole lot of candy!! and it actually was Candy!! not really chocolate, but more of the sugary candy candy! (I was in a non-chocolate phase in Elementary school.) So I loved Valentines day because I didn't get as much chocolate as compared to other Candy Halloween. Plus. I got to buy cute cards, give them to everyone in the class along with candy and place them in this cool box/envelope thing that was designed by myself. Overall...a nice haul.
But my favorite thing about Valentines day...and for many holidays. Is to just read the things written on the cards, or the messages given in the cards because often times those valentines were picked to represent what the person thought of me. And me being a rather curious person, hungered to know what people thought of me. (I liked Yearbook signing day for similar reasons. I enjoy reading notes people left in my yearbook.)

That still applies today. Even though being "adult" and such means that rarely are cards given out to anyone besides a significant other...I still appreciate the thought given when I just receive a little valentine, or a bigger valentine. :)
For Valentines...I do enjoy getting things, but I enjoy the intent behind the giving more then the gift itself. :) Its just a sweeter deal if the gift is awesometastic ^^

It just brightens the day. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!
And Happy Valentine's Day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream.

My sister and I were walking to school. We'd walked past the light, and was almost to the roundabout, when I remembered...I had a dance competition I was supposed to dress up for today! So I told my sister. "Hey wait here, I'll be back!" and she was like "Okay, while you're at it, please grab my jacket, you know the one." So I was like "Okay!"
So I ended up back at the apartment, and I was halfway through changing my clothes when I dance competition wasn't today...its tomorrow. So I ended up changing back into my school clothes...but I had a slight problem with my pants. I couldn't find the right pair of pants. I tried on like 5 or six...and there was always something wrong with them...they didn't fit right, they were dirty, this one had holes, this one was suddenly red stretchy pants....which did not look cool. But I managed. So I zipped by my sister's room to grab her jacket. And searching along the line of jackets hanging from the shelf. I spotted one that was black and had a green "Cadean" and a "42" stitched on the back right shoulderblade and the hood had a fringe of brown fur along its edge so I grabbed it and

There was this little boy. Around six or seven years old. Pale skin, brown hair...I think blue eyes. He ran into the house dropping everything on the ground and went tearing about searching for this one item he needed for school. He finally finds it and sticks it in his mouth (i think it was like a binky) and yells goodbye. ( I think he said "Goodbye Mom!") And ran out the door....leaving all his school stuff behind. I watched him run up the driveway and disappear over the horizon and I thought "he'll come back soon he needs this."
Well he did come back...
In a blue car (similar to the one seen in the incredibles movie) with this old lady driving.
It was around sunset...
and when the boy got out of the car...he was in a wheelchair, wearing a blue denim jacket and he had on glasses.
and I remember feeling sadness that my boy came back...disabled.

We're in this old abandoned building. Me and this guy... and we're working on building staircases that lead into the basement to help this group of natives that are living there be able to access the lower levels because they had all been destroyed. We had built 5 or 6 staircases, but the guy was rebuilding the first main staircase we built. And the natives came up to me saying "We need another stair case." or "We need this one fixed now." So I made my way down to where he was working on the next level. And I told him "Hey they need another staircase to reach this area of the building." And the dude scrawling patterns...formulas they looked like a bunch of half yellow dye answered "The staircase in this area will take them to the same place." And it bugged me so bad that he was so unconcerned with the natives plight..I wanted to ruin his figures that he was drawing on the wall.

We had cleaning checks.
And we hadn't cleaned.
My sister was in the kitchen making stuff when the checkers first arrived.
They were a guy and a girl and...our place wasn't very clean...
At least in the kitchen. But the dude was patient with us.
Waiting to give us time to clean.
My sister throughout all the chaos of cleaning was making some sort of soup or drink.
That involved canned peaches...but they were cut into rings like a pineapple. and a big pot of water on the stove.
She would move these peach rings via a long toothpick (it was a foot long) to the pot and put them in, stir it around and then go back for more. Apparently she couldn't just dump the bottle into the pot. She had to string the peach rings on to the toothpick stick and then move the rings from the counter over to the pot.
I looked into the pot...and it just looked like this orange paste thing. All mashed together kinda like a smoothie.
Anyway...I remember thinking "Why don't you just fail us, we won't get this clean in time."
And the dude filled out the paper...
and I remember seeing that he was writing the date for the next cleaning check and being rather annoyed that we'd have to have another cleaning check

when the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)

Extra Info:
Dream 1 about me missing the dance: Tuesday I actually have a dance competition that I need to dress up for...soooo I was probably worried that I'd forget.
The jacket with the sister and I knew a guy named Cadean....and she dated him for a bit...but it didn't work out and he's been avoiding us.
The coat...I think yesterday in church I saw a coat with fur in the hood.
The number 42 besides being the meaning of life in HitchHiker's Guide was also seen in a chemistry outline that I had to fill out for class.

Dream 2. No idea what this whole dream meant....

Dream 3. The whole abandoned building might be an idea form Avatar the Last Airbender. The yellow dye that was used by the guy was similar in concept to the Lemonthing that Gates used in National Treasure to get Dr.Chase's fingerprints so he could go steal the declaration of independence.

Dream 4. I don't like cleaning checks.....we have idea where the rest came from :)

And that
is why the fox never came home :)


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