Monday, August 29, 2011

Its Baaaack

Its started up again.
I'm taking another class. The 'beginning' class.
Instead of the 'hardest' class which I took last semester.
And I must say.
I actually am enjoying myself in the class. :)
Because right now I know and understand what is going on.
Its like seeing a friend from long ago, and being happy to see them.
You remember a few details about that friend, but not everything.
So it makes learning those details once again, rather fun. :)

Or. I just really like appearing to be the 'smartest' class.
Yah its probably that one.
I like knowing what is going on. And I guess I really like knowing information the others don't.
Its a rather bad tendency of mine. To answer questions asked  people other then myself. Because I already know the answer from having the same conversation a little bit before.
Well Anatomy is like that.
Though I don't know all the information anymore. :(
I do still know the 12 different systems in the body.
Thanks to a handy acronym another guy told me in the Human Anatomy.
Cardiovascular (Circulatory) System
Digestive System
Urinary System
Respiratory System
Reproductive System -Female
Reproductive System -Male
Nervous System
Skeletal System
Muscular System
Integumentary System
Lymphatic System
Endocrine System

:) I also know that DURRR <- = the 5 Visceral systems. Otherwise known as the systems that have an opening to the outside air. Its rather handy that those five are together in a row.

:) So I had a boost of enjoyment in my anatomy class today (the first of the semester for me.)
Just because I already knew the information. :)
Looks like my plan to take the Hardest Class first and then the Easiest one is working.
For now. :)
I'll have to see how it goes when we get to the Physiology part of the course. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

-Woke up early, dream faded from my mind. :(

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