Friday, August 5, 2011

"You'll Like It" Rant

There is no good way to explain this post.
So...I"ll just tell you.
Its a rant.
Dealing with Multiple people/experiences/feelings are going through my head
so it will seem like I'm being extreme.
I am. Rants usually go to the extremes :)
What is about to be said is an over generalized Rant.
You have been warned ;)

I have found a new phrase/sequence of words.
That I am beginning to not enjoy hearing.
It usually involves "Me. Liking. someone/something"
Usually its portrayed in the concept of "You'll like this. I think you would like him, I think this is the show for you, you'll like it.  you like this? Well you'll like this comic based on this." And many other phrases that state a similar concept.

Because most of the time....I don't.
I don't like it.
I know you like it, but strange as it may sound.
My interests are very different from yours.
I become obsessive over different things.
I love doing different things.
I've done/watched/said/experienced different things.

I often feel like saying "Just because you like it doesn't mean I will like it."

I need to start actually saying that I think. Typing it, saying it out loud.
"No, actually I don't like that, but I do like this."

....I think it just really bugs me because people just "assume" things about me.
Example "Do you like this?" -before i can get a chance to respond- "Then you should like this!"
Let me respond first!!! grrr
If they asked first. Let me respond. If I respond in the negative, Ask me what I'm interested in.
Then they would see...that more often then not, my interests are different from theirs.

But No....they Assume I'll like it because they like it and I talk to them and I keep talking with them, so they think I have things in common with them and that I like the things they're talking about as well.....
Sometimes...I'm just being friendly. Sometimes, I'm actually interested in it. and Sometimes..I'm just being polite.

I think the easiest way to get a good gauge on my interests ; is to ask me what type of books I like to read.
Books are easy.
Other things like TV Shows, Movies, Comics, Websites. Are a hit and miss with me. I will like this show, but not this show that's similar.
Yah...perhaps I'm just being too picky, sensitive, they're just tyring to connect/share common ground, share things they like

I don't know.
I just know...that while I find it interesting to see how they view me by what they suggest that I would like...
Its just been bugging me recently. Because I feel like "I'm not like that. That isn't me."

Okay...Confusing Rant that goes no where and has left alot unsaid because I don't like Ranting and I feel so..selfish when I do so because theres always another side of the story that I don't have that would make things clearer....has petered out.
Thanks for sticking through it and reading. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

The first part of the dream involved a party, the bishop and going on some errand with him in a red car.
The second part...involved a couple in a mansion.The girl thought that the boy lived there. But he didn't, he was only a servant. The girl couldn't believe that the guy would invite her back to a mansion he didnt' live in.
After all she couldn't believe that he actually had this sort of bathroom. It had wood paneling inside it.

Then the real owner a tall dark handsome figure that reminded me of someone off TV...dunno which someone. and myself walked in. He didn't want to be bugged by the other couple so we went into a 'secret' passage that lead to another bedroom where he used to stay when he was younger. There were three beds. Two single beds and a double bed.
Both of sat on the bed.
And suddenly my old teacher Rachel was there, and the real owner and Rachel were more of a couple, and I was just a bystander as they talked and discussed things.

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again.


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