Friday, November 8, 2013

I'ma Crossin Here

Well, I had an almost heart stopping moment today.

I say almost as...I'm still trying to process what happened beyond the brief thought of AHH! I had.

You see, I'd just gotten gas for my car as I was pretty much running on empty.

And I was waiting to make a left turn.
This left turn...involving crossing like three lanes of traffic.
I saw a brief space.
Looked quickly to make sure I was clear.
And gunned it to cross into the lane I needed to be in.
Only I only made it through one lane before I heard something...I'm not even sure I heard the yelling til after I looked up. Or as I looked up.
In any case I looked up and there were these two guys on bikes coming straight at me.
The first guy whizzed on by...maybe on a normal bike? It was a sort of motorcycle...idk I didn't I hit the brakes. With the second guy barely,barely missing the hood of my car going past on the right, his mouth open...idk if it was a scream of terror or adrenaline as he went past me on my left on his little mortorized scooter, but he went by me unharmed, presumably both of them going into the parking lot I had just been trying to exit.

I glanced to my left and saw that the cars I'd been trying to avoid had kinda slowed down, but I pressed on the gas anyways to get out of their way and continued into my lane and on to the nearby light.
After all, I hadn't hit them. And glancing in my mirrors...I couldn't see them anywhere.

Which made me wonder.


Seriously. They came right at me. and I was going perpendicular to the road. So they were going perpendicular too...where there was no place to go perpendicular. I mean, the Library was across from me, but where I was crossing...there wasn't an exit to the parking lot across from me. It was just a green patch.
But the guys were on scooter/bikes. Had they just driven over the grass hill and sidewalk to cross the road?

Because seriously, until they were literally right there nearly hitting me...I didn't see them. They weren't on the road when I began to cross. There were two cars coming at me from the left, a van waay down the road on the right. And no boys on bikes.
Which only leads me to conclude that they did cross the grass barrier to cross the road during a space in traffic.

How else can they come straight at me as I was trying to turn?

No idea, unless I encountered a ghostly mirage or something. A moment in time.

In any case. They're fine (I would assume since they didn't stop, or fall off their bikes.) I'm fine, if a bit startled.
And we're all probably breathing a little faster in the "Icouldajustbeeninanaccident!" Sort of way.

Oh and my car is fine too. :)

Who that almost accident almost happened.
I just hope another occurrence doesn't occur anytime soon. O.o

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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