Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Make 'Em Mellow

If I had one power to change anything on the know what I would do?
I would make Betas less aggressive.
They would become such a mellow fish, we would be able to make them a community fish where we could have more then one in a fish tank.
Why would I do this?
Because they come in such an amazing variety of colors!
And I would love to buy a huge fish tank and put just betas in it.
Each one a different pattern, a different color.
Then I could enjoy a rainbow of flowing fish swimming around and around.

Where does this thought come from, you ask?

Well, yesterday my sister Kikay came into the store looking for a new beta friend for her tank,
as her old one, Dr. Suess, had recently died of old age.

Luckily I knew this was going to happen, and so before she showed up, I made the time to change out the beta water so that she could actually see all the different colored betas.
-The water comes in a dark blue color when we first get them into the store making it difficult to always tell what color you're getting. (blue water has stuff in it to help the fish travel well and not die.)

I have to say that I love changing the blue water into clear water with Betas.
Because it's fun for me to see what color the fish actually are.
I mean, I've worked at Starsmet long enough that I can be pretty close to guessing what color the fish is through the blue water, but this, makes it clearer.
Will a Red fish be red? Or more of a purple red?
Will a blue fish have green accents or orange?

There will always be surprises, and will always be that one fish where I'm like "Ah! I want to take you home!" -I already have a beta at home -his name is Phantasmic. He's adorable-
Like a week or so ago we had a fish come in that was Red, White, and Blue! Ah! I wanted it soo badly, I mean the 4th of July is my favorite holiday and I would love to have a little piece of that holiday year around,
but...I already had a beta.
Yesterday wasn't much different, there was this pretty beta that was Orange but had blue streaks in it. Others that Shimmered like glitter, others that were multicolored, or such a pretty dark blue....

Can you say hard to pick just one? Because it really was hard,
lol my sister was like "I'm glad you went through them first to pick out ones you thought I'd like, otherwise I'd be here all day trying to decide."

-She was on a bit of a time crunch, so I also did the beta water change to look through all the betas and set aside ones I thought she'd like. That way she could be in and out quickly without having to worry about looking through them all and deciding.

In the end it came down to three Betas.
All of them shimmered.
-She'd been talking about 'glitter' and 'sparkly' recently, and when I came across a fish that did that I was like "ooo Kikay may like that!"
Turns out I was right. lol
It still took her a while to pick between the three.
In the end she picked an awesome multicolored fish that was orange, blue and shimmered with a couple other colors.
lol my coworker called it an 'Easter Egg' fish because it looked like the fish had been dipped in different colored dyes.

Still, that is where my thought came from.
If only Betas weren't so aggressive to each other.
Then my sister would have probably taken all three home to put in her fish tank.
(okay not so her tank is more like a bowl, which only really fits one beta)
but still,
I would love to have that happen.
To have mellow community betas.
I think I would be unable to resist getting that huge tank and filling it with betas. Just so I could have my 'rainbow' of 'flowing' color.

Maybe in the future.
Maybe. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was this huge playground toy/maze/jungle gym/obstacle course contraption that me and others had to go the dark (maybe blindfolded) It was a crazy experience with lots of tight tunnels, drops where you're not quite sure there is actually anything below your feet, and other frightening things (for the dream state) that made it difficult to actually finish and complete...which I'm not sure I finished it because I was suddenly in my parents neighborhood, invisible, but there were people chasing me. How could they chase an invisible person? Because I still cast a shadow. So I was running around from shadow to shadow of other things like trees, to try and hide my shadow in them so they couldn't see where I was and get me. I mean, even though I was invisible, I wasn't intangible, so if they ran into me, they would run into me. The problem was that each 'shadow' place I picked ended up having light patches or was too small, meaning that my observant chasers could see where I went pretty easily, but still I tried to get away and...ended back up in the maze of a jungle gym once more attempting to get through it when....

The unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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