Saturday, November 2, 2013

On the Fringe

Well, I discovered something about myself last night.
Okay, it wasn't quite a discovery, I knew it already,
but being with my roomies helped reinforce it.

I don't like crowds.
Okay, rephrase, I don't like being jam packed like a sardine in a can in a crowd.

What happened?
There was a dance party last night, a 'Halloween' party.
-Can you blame me for thinking we can still celebrate Halloween when there's a Halloween party the day after Halloween? lol.

In any case, this time around I was able to join my roomies for something.
I thought it would be alright.
I mean, I've been to dances before.
Not really the outside sort.
But still I've been to dances.

However I haven't been to outside dances with my roomies.
And that's....where our differences lie.
In our preferences of where we like to dance.

You see, I like to dance on the edge of the crowd.
Not the very edge edge.
But along the fringes where I'm still surrounded by people, but I don't have to worry about hitting someone if I wanted to move my arms about.

My roomies on the other hand, dove straight into the thickest part of dancers.
And I literally mean the thickest part.
I followed them at first.
Horrible experience.
And there were people pressing in on me on either side.
I could hardly move.
And I felt like I wasn't in control as the crowd would surge forward and back, I could barely keep my footing it seemed like.
And the feel of sweaty bodies pressing up against me was disgusting.

...I don't know quite how to explain it. But being packed into a can of sardines comes close enough.
My roomies appeared to enjoy it.
-How?!?! O.o I don't see what the draw was, it wasn't fun in the middle of the crowd.
Yet that's where they were for most of the dance... enjoying being shoved around.
Me no. Not so much.
I stuck around for a bit hoping that they would move.
But after a few minutes,
and after getting hit in the head with a hula hoop...
I bailed.

If I'm getting hit in the head with things, I'm not having fun.
If I can't move at all to dance, I'm not having fun.

At least one benefit of being small is that I can slip through tiny spaces easily. lol.
I was out of the middle of that mob in a matter of seconds.

Ah! Sweet relief!
I was back to where I liked to be.
Among people, but with them spaced enough apart that I didn't have to worry about getting squashed.
-Seriously, you never really think about how short you are until these giant guys walk buy and you think to yourself 'If he fell backwards, he would squish me.'
Or if he kicked out, he'd probably break a bone of mine.
I'm pretty sure that nearly happened. I was on the fringe, dancing, and there was this guy dancing crazily nearby, and suddenly WHAM I had a shooting pain in my arm.
I thought at first that he'd just nailed me with his hand, but I'm wondering now if that guy actually kicked me (by accident of course).
In any case, I got my second injury of the night from him.
I mean, I'm just skin and bones, I'm rather delicate, and hits to the arm...hurt. A lot.
This one still hurts and so I wonder if I got a bone bruise as nothing is visible on the skin otherwise even though it hurts like crazy still.

Meh. I did have an okay time, it was more enjoyable when I found some friends of mine at the dance, and they were on the fringes as well.

But yah, never again. I'm not packing myself into a can of crazy dancers, Ever.
I don't like not being able to control where I am.
And in the middle of the mob. You have to go where the crowd decides to go or risk getting injured otherwise if you try to stay in one spot.

So from here on out. It's the fringes for me. Where I can easily move out of the way of people wanting to pass by, where I can actually dance a bit beyond hopping up and down in place. Where I don't have to have sweaty people pressed up against me.

:) I guess I'll have to see how the next dance goes. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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