Friday, July 25, 2014

Off The Shelves

It's happened again.
One of my favorite foods has disappeared off the store shelves.
There's no mistake.
I looked.
I moved other food stuff around.
Looked at all the price stickers.
It's not there. :(
Soo depressing.
Because really, this happens waaaaaaay too much.

Really, the stores should give a warning of sorts.
"Notice: We will no longer be carrying this product as of :datehere:"
And give this warning like a month in advance.
So people who actually like the food.
Can buy the food.
And stock up on the said favorite food.

And maybe increase sales to the point where the sign would be switched to "Nevermind."

Yes. That would be handy.
Instead of just showing up to grab your favorite snack one day...
To randomly find its not there.
It's like being cut adrift really.
Desperately searching the shelves. "It's here! It's gotta be here! Where is it?! Where is IT?!!?"
And then coming to the sad realization.
It's not there. :(
And may never be there again.

This happens waaaay too much.
But for now I'm holding out hope.

That maybe it's a seasonal thing....
And I'll be able to get year......maybe....hopefully.......

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at a rendezvous, and my Daddoo, brother, and family friend Nox, were also there, selling stuff. My daddoo had the big tent going on while Nox and Brother were on blankets to the side selling smaller items. I wanted to join in as well, so Daddoo gave me a few items to try and sell, only I kept getting pulled away, or distracted, trying to grab soda from a machine, trying to cross traffic when the lights were weird, etc, and by the time I made it back, Daddoo told me that I'd had customers come, but Meralto had taken over, but since it was my business, I could go over to him and split the money. So I did, apparently the people had paid with some sort of card where you take it to the bank and get the money out that way. Which had amounted to a lot. Way more than my little trinkets should have been able to sell. There were $100 in there, multiples. Though one had had the 100 crossed out and 90 written on it. So we were working on dividing the money, but after helping another customer I realized that this wasn't fair, so I was going to give back a lot of the money like the other $100 bill to Meralto because he'd been doing the work and had sold way more than me meaning he had more money and that it shouldn't all be split my way. But when I went to do that, the money had disappeared, only to have my brother pull it out of a hole in the ground where he'd stuffed it, or the hole was part of a turtle and he'd stuffed it into the shell....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away.....
and I became myself again. :)


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