Saturday, July 19, 2014

Soup Soup Soup

There is something about soup,
That can make everything seem alright.
Whether you're sick, or just stressing,
Soup, can bring a bit of comfort.

Today, was one of those soup days.
I wasn't feeling well.
Call it stress,
Call it too much fun last night playing laser tag,
Call it slept deprivation,
Whatever the case,
I woke up, feeling sore.
With a headache.
And a slightly upset tummy.

To make it all the more 'better.'
I had work tonight.
A nice long evening shift.
Where it was customer service focused, and hardly any tasking at all,
Which means very little distraction from the pounding in my head,
And all the more energy drained out of me.
Plus the more unsettling feeling 'I really shouldn't be standing up.'

Really, I just needed a distraction.
Meds can only do so much to take away the soreness, to take away the headache.

But with hardly any distractions available,
I turned to.
You guessed it.
;) My sister.

Who then kindly brought me Zupas Soup. ^^
Ah, Chicken Enchilada Chili.
Soo tasty.
And just the balm I needed to sooth everything.
So that I could concentrate on work and getting everything done that needed to be done.

Yes, there is something about soup,
That can soothe both the soul, body, and mind.
Warmth in your hands, warmth going down your throat, a nice tasty hug all around. ^^

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was with some others, kinda in a home, but it also felt like I was at work too, which wasn't quite right because I was dressed up in a fancy prom like dress -burgundy in color- along with a couple of other girls in other colors. We were getting ready for some party, though I wasn't sure I belonged with this group. I actually left to go change, because I was sure I had to get ready for work....but then a boy ended up getting in the way and distracting me, he was apparently on the run from his father. Who looked a bit like Elder Holland. Holland was a businessman, who wasn't at all impressed with his son. The son, in his opinion was a slacker and a failure -though actually the son was just going a different path than what his father wanted him to go on. We ended up racing all up and down and around these brown valley, sandy mountain areas. Finally ending with a dinner, where there was a confrontation between the son and the dad where it was revealed that the dad was actually a bad guy, making other people miserable for his gain....

When the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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