Thursday, April 12, 2018

Better Prepared

Football came to our country town later than most. 
The school board had neither the money for equipment nor a coach. 
Then the great day arrived.
Our high school principal was able to buy twelve inexpensive football outfits, except the expensive cleated football shoes (we used our basketball shoes), and our coach was recruited from the faculty because he had witnessed a game.

We learned a few simple plays, how to tackle--or so we thought--and set off for our first game with Twin Falls, the previous year's Idaho state champions. 

We dressed and went out on the field to warm up.
Their school band started to play (they had more students in the band than we had in our entire high school), and then through the gates came their team.
The twelve of us--a full team of eleven plus one all-round substitute--watched in amazement as they kept coming through the gates--all thirty-nine of them in full uniform. 

The game was most interesting!
To say it was a learning experience is rather mild.
After two plays we didn't have any desire to have the ball--so we would kick it, and soon they would score. 
When they got the ball, they would run a baffling play and score.
Our problem was to get rid of the ball--it was less punishing. 

In the final minutes of the game they became a little reckless. 
A wild pass fell into the arms of Clifford Lee, who was playing halfback with me. 
He was startled, not knowing for sure what to do--until he saw the "Dallas Cowboys" thundering after him. 
Then he knew what to do.
He was fast.
He wasn't running for points, but for his life!
Clifford made a touchdown; six points went up on the board. 
The final score--106 to 6! 
We really didn't deserve the six points, but with our torn shirts and socks and our bruises, we took them anyway.

A learning experience?
Of course!
An individual or a team must be prepared.
In all things success depends upon previous preparation. 

-David B. Haight -The Responsibility of Young Aaronic Priesthood Bearers -April 1981 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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