Thursday, April 5, 2018

Energy Whirlwind

It's not always easy to be around people who have a....strong presence. A strong energy. 

Because like...I'm very self contained. 
So to have to deal with people who are...projecting their energy....isn't always the easiest for me. 

I had a customers today at work who intensive. 

The first was a woman and her daughter who came into the store like five minutes after we opened.

I was standing at the cricket podium, like I normally do about that time, prebagging crickets so that if people came into the store needing them, there would already be some prepared.

And like I felt this wave of...intense focus and perhaps anger? Directed towards me.
I look up to see a woman marching with her daughter in tow, up the aisle (like I sensed her coming from halfway across the store) with a bag of water clenched in her fist. 
And that feeling of focus, was like a tidal wave coming at me. :S 

Why was she there?
Because she'd bought these fish on TUESDAY and they had died.
-She had a dead silver dollar and bala shark in that bag of water- 

Which O.o That's...halfway unexpected.
Usually those two fish are pretty hardy.

And I was momentarily grateful that I wasn't working Tuesday so I wasn't the one who sold her the fish. 

In any case.
The intense focus energy faded after I began helping them, suggesting solutions and alternative fish and the like for them to get. 

-They got two more balas and two more silver dollars as they were convinced that the fact they had bought the fish singly  without a buddy was the cause of them dying-

And went on their merry way. 

The other intense customer of the day came in towards the end of my shift....

Which at first glance, you probably wouldn't think of them being energy intensive.

But it was a mother and her two boys. 
The sons being probably between the ages of 10-14??
Hard to tell.

In any case, the younger boy was wanting to get basically his 'first' pet. 
A pet he could call his own, that he would buy with his own money and such.

And he had his heart set on a Turtle, No, Two Turtles. Two Red-Eared Slider Turtles. 

Which. :S Aquatic Turtles are probably the most work out of the reptiles we sell.
Mostly because you are constantly needing to do water changes or else you end up with a really dirty and smelly tank of water rather quickly. 
As turtles...they're messy.

And from talking to them, the mother had no idea how much work was really involved in caring for the turtles.
She'd had leopard geckos in the past.
But turtles?
Totally new thing.
And she was not at all excited about cleaning water and such. 
Even though her son was quick to say "I WILL DO ALL THE CLEANING!" like most children do lol. But you know that it will be the mom that ends up doing it.

So trying to help her out, I suggested other reptiles that were less work. Like Tortoises and Bearded Dragons, showing them the different varieties of reptiles we had available in the store.

And this child. Ah. This energetic excited child who was soo very much wanting a pet was literally like: "OH! I WANT THAT INSTEAD!"
To Every. Single. Reptile.

He couldn't settle on a choice.
Literally whichever reptile I pointed out next and began talking about to his mother, he was like "Yes. Let's buy that one! I have the money! I want that one. I want it!"

It got a bit grating because he was sooo energetic that he wasn't able to focus.
He just wanted a pet.
*shakes head*

In the end, after spending like an hour talking through the various options, going over the size of the tanks they already had at home and such.
They finally decided on buying two hermit crabs for one tank.
And two leopard geckos for the second tank.

*shakes head*

I was sure to emphasis to the mom that we had a guarantee. So that within the timeframe, if her son ended up not taking care of the reptiles or it wasn't working out for any other reason, they could come return whichever ones they needed to.

Because as good intentioned most kids are....the thrill of a new pet fades quickly.
So it's just good to have the mother know that she has a bit of a 'trial period' with the pet if you will. So that if it doesn't work out...she's not just stuck with the reptiles.

In any case.
Gah. Energetic child.
Not the easiest to deal with for sure.

But I managed, somehow. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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