Friday, April 13, 2018

The Cardboard Roll

It's one of those trends with my roomies that I don't ever quiet understand.

Though I do wonder if it's sort of like a....petty thing? Maybe a controlling thing? Maybe a "YOU DO THIS" sort of thing?

I don't know.

But it feels like with almost every roommate I've had...that I've had to share a bathroom with....

It usually ends up that I'm always the one who changes out the toilet paper roll.

Which...I never fully understand.
What's so hard about going "Oh, hey, I used the last of the toilet paper. I'll just take two seconds to put on a fresh roll."

Like...what's the point of just leaving it for the next person to change out?

And to have my roomies consistently do this to me, where I feel like I'm always the one changing the roll....

I do have to wonder....why?

Why is it such a hard thing to be considerate of the next person and just grab a fresh roll if the other one is empty?

At this point, I almost wonder if it's a power struggle sort of thing.
The need to establish a dominate personality or something by constantly making another do a simple task that you could do yourself....

*shakes head*

It's probably one of those give and take things.
Where the roomie feels like they're 'always' doing something else that I'm not doing or leave them to do.
So they take it upon themselves to leave me something to 'always' do as well.

Who knows. I certainly don't.
It could be as simple of a thing of "Oh hey, I never did this growing up, someone else always did it so why would I think any differently now?" And it's not even on their radar that they could change the roll themselves. 

Oh well....I guess we'll see if the trend continues when the next roomie moves in or not....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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