Sunday, April 8, 2018

A Delayed Goodbye

There's a certain quirk to my family...usually seen more in the extended family.
Where we don't really begin to socialize with each other....until someone is getting ready to leave.

Like it will totally be the situation of "Hey, we're going to head out." *twenty minutes of conversation* "Yah, we need to get going" *another twenty minutes of conversation* "Okay! We are leaving now." 

Which we've gotten pretty good at predicting, so if we were wanting to leave at a certain time, we would start saying our goodbyes like half an hour to an hour before we planned to leave in order to leave at the time we actually wanted to leave.

It's not just extended family though. lol.

I end up doing this to Kikay all the time.
Like I'm getting ready to go somewhere or even just leave her room to go to my room to do something else, and I'll remember something I wanted to tell her.
And like twenty minutes I'll realize that I meant to be elsewhere so I'm always like "Okay I am leaving now!" 


Tonight was one of those moments.
Though kinda random because it was the fam gathering together for dinner and games. 
And like...usually when we want to leave....we leave. 

So I had a plan in mind where we would leave the parents' place at a certain time.
So it would give me plenty of time to drop off my other sibs at their place, (as we carpooled) and then bring Kikay and I back home, which would give me a couple of hours to write and blog and such. 

Only...when the specified time to leave approached....
Kikay wasn't ready.

Which is weird. 
Not weird fully weird...because her concept of time is often different from mine...usually in that she struggles to get to places on time, but usually we end up leaving on time because she often wants to return home before I do.

So I was taking that into account when I was working out my own plan for leaving. 
Expecting Kikay to be totally ready to go when I was ready to go....

And she wasn't.
No suddenly it was "Oh, we need to go through these pieces. No I need Daddoo's advice on a project. No I need to ask Mother Dearest some things...."
and like an hour and some change later...then she was finally ready to go. 

*shakes head* 
It left the rest of us siblings kinda just kicking our heels for a bit. Making awkward small talk and such. Because we had all been ready to go basically at my specified time of leaving. 
It also increased the frustration a bit...because the sibs go to bed a bit earlier than us...and the delay in leaving had meant they were dropped off past their usually bedtime. also the time we got home....I had to go straight to bed. Because I too had to get enough sleep to get to work in the morning.
Which was super frustrating.
Because I had this plan.
And it grated on me that the plan didn't go according to plan you know? 

Like I get that plans don't usually work out, which is why I'm often more easy going on my time frames of things. Because I know things don't always go the way I want them to go and it makes it less stressful on me to take a more laidback attitude.

But this time around I'd taken in a harder time frame. 
And the fact that we weren't sticking to that time frame?
Yah. Stressful on me.
It had me on edge.
Because this wasn't how it was supposed to go.

*shakes head*

Silly Sibs. Silly. Silly. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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