Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Returning to a Forest Fire

I always return to work with some trepidation. 
Because when I'm gone for long periods of always seems like something drastically changes, or something goes majorly wrong.
So I spend the first day back from vacation figuratively putting out the fires in the store. 

Normally it's small things. Like a broken lock, or a sick animal or something.

But today's return to work?
Was like trying to put out a forest fire. 

There was so much new and so much wrong/broken that...well I really wanted to turn around and head right back to the East Coast. 

a) We have a new dress code at work now. We can wear blue or black jeans with our work shirts.
b) Half of our hamster wheels got replaced because a customer apparently complained that our wheels were 'too rusty' so a good half dozen or so plastic wheels were written off to replace them.
c) Our backrooms had further been reorganized so I wasted a lot of time hunting down items I needed. 

d) I couldn't find our bucket of dirt used for the reptile bedding changes ANYWHERE. …….I later found it in the fridge of all places. O.o *shakes head*
e) Our goldfish cooling system had officially been deemed broken (it was getting so hot in the tanks that the goldfish were jumping out of the water) and the machine had been replaced the day before.
f) The bird door lock once again broke (I expected this to happen, it always breaks when I take long vacas), but I couldn't fix it because one of the key components to the lock had vanished.
g) We finally found the missing connector piece to the gravel vacuum so for the first time in like a month we could finally gravel vacuum our tanks.
h) I hit my elbow, while working with said gravel vacuum, hard enough that its still sore.
i) The hinge to one of our reptile cage/locks broke
j) The bottom of our Tortoise tank has come we need to find a way to fix it...or get it replaced.
k) One of my coworkers has been banned by the head manager from working with the birds. -Because they had a bad allergic reaction to the bedding we use for the birds.
l) We can't use the radios for anything but Customer related conversations now. So if you have to ask your coworker a work/task related question you're supposed to go find them and ask them in person...instead of using the radios. (Such a stupid rule.)
m) Our birds in our back rooms hadn't been put out onto the floor (even though all of them could have come out like a week ago. *exhales*)
n) The whiteboard in our back room that we use to communicate to each other has been taken down....because too much unnecessary communication was taking place. (now how are we supposed to let our coworkers know things?? *shakes head* Let's just add to our communication problems)
o) Our District Manager decided to visit AGAIN. Soo there was all that stress too. 

Like....can you see why I wanted to go back on vacation?
Because that is ALOT of issues after me being gone just a week.
Hopefully tomorrow's work shift is better. Because if it's another crazy day like this...I dunno how well I'll be able to handle it. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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