Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Another Security Check

Once more I had to venture through security to get to the airport.
But this time I was better prepared.

Because now I knew better. 
I wasn't sure if the food would still be checked, but if it was....I might as well put it with my heat packs.
That way when the security guys opened my bag to check the heatpacks they could also check the food at the same time and hopefully it would mean one of my two bags would not need to be checked this time.

I had it all ready.
Liquids separated.
Food and heatpacks together.

And as I reached the conveyor belt to put all my things on.
The airport dude working that part of the line was like "All food, liquids, shoes and laptops in separate containers." 

So I pulled out my shoes and the liquids I had, and reached into the my bag -luckily I had my food on top when I opened my suitcase so I wouldn't have to dig- and plopped the whole confection into the tray. 

-Which impressed the dude behind me lol. He was like "Wow! I didn't know we could bring snacks!!" 
….like yah? Because uhmmm….you can get hungry on those long flights.

Which reminds me....I saw a dude eating a casserole dish full of green beans in the security line.....I wonder if he finished that before he hit the check point.... huh.....but like....why eat it there while standing in line?? *shakes head* So weird. 

In any case. 
With all the stated items on the tray.
I sent my things through the x-ray machine.

Still expecting them to pull out my heat packs to check them again.


No issue whatsoever.
My things went through without needing to be pulled aside. 

*shakes head*
It's so interesting what does and doesn't set off the 'alarms' within each airport and with each person. 

Because my home airport the dude seemed to pull aside every other bag.
But in this east coast airport....I barely saw any being pulled to the side.....
So weird.

But hey! Less of a hassle for me so woot!! :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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