Thursday, June 7, 2018

Is it Sick?

It was towards the end of my shift.
When I got a call over the radio from our cashier.

Where she simply stated that a customer had come up to her and told her that two of our parakeets were sick and that they needed to be isolated. 

Because apparently he'd been in the reptile aisle, and noticed the birds weren't 'acting right' and decided to mention it at the register as he was checking out. 
So like he checked out and then left the store....

And here I was....confused.
Because I'd literally just been with the birds for the past like two or three hours. 
As today was bedding change day for the birds.
Which meant that for the past couple of hours I had been in those bird cages, cleaning the glass, cleaning the trays holding the bedding, cleaning the branches, toys and food/water dishes....
Like it's quite the process.
And I hadn't noticed any of the birds, specifically the parakeets acting weird or needing to be isolated. 

In any case, I wandered back over to the birds just to see.
As the customer hadn't stuck around to point out which two birds he was concerned about.
I had to do my own investigating. 

Which walking up to the cage, I was pretty sure I could see which two birds the dude was talking about.
As there were two parakeets who were sitting on the floor of the cage, eyes closed and such. 

Though one parakeet was lying down flatter on the ground, which was a cause for concern cus usually the birds sleep more upright. 

But at first glance, it really just looked like the two had chosen to sleep on the ground.
Going into the cage?
They were sleeping.
The grabbed the one that was laying down and pulled it out for closer inspection.
And like the bird was super mellow.
Just kinda hanging out on my finger, not trying to escape at all.
Which is definitely weird for these parakeets as they don't interact with people much and tend to fly away. Unless they feel secure. 
So yah, the little bird sat on my finger.
I watched it. Looked at it's eyes, at it's breathing.
Didn't see anything really out of the ordinary.
I put the parakeet back in the cage and reached in to check the second one, and that one flew away from my hand, so I exited the cage and moved back to the front to watch the birds through the glass.
And yah, since they were now awake, they were doing the ordinary bird things. Picking at the food, climbing branches and toys, flying about the cage.

Seriously, I didn't see anything to cause for concern. 
The birds had just been weird in sleeping on the ground. *shakes head* 

Usually when birds aren't feeling well they tend to be more puffed up, their eyes more squinty.
These ones looked fine. 

Sooo...I don't know why the customer was concerned. 
If there was another issue or not...I don't know.

Seriously...he should have at least stuck around so I could confirm and let him know.
But it's like a common thing with customers.
To go tell the cashier there's an issue...and then leave before I get the chance to go check out the situation. *shakes head*
More often than not it's nothing. 
Like it's just an animal sleeping---in a weird position to make it look like it's sick or dead....when it's just sleeping. 

In any case.
I kept an eye on the birds for the remainder of the shift.
Yah, they all looked fine. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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