Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Sparks of Light

The sun had mostly sat when my friends and I ventured outside to pick black raspberries from their patch that borders their house. 
It was dark enough, even though it was still light, that we needed to use our phone flash lights to be able to see the berries. 
So there we were,
Walking  through the grass to go to the first patch.

When I saw it.
A spark of light.
And then another.

I blinked.
Wondering if my eyes were playing tricks on me.
-After all I'd been traveling all day, and I was tired.

But no. 
There were more of these yellow flashes of lights. 

That's when it clicked. 


They were.
Little fireflies flitting about their yard.

*shakes head*

Like I feel like I've seen them before. 
I'm almost positive I have....

But not like this.
Not this many.

There were hundreds of them scattered through the yard.
Flaring up with their bright yellow lights.
Flitting by our heads.

It was amazing!
Like mini sparklers really. 
Honestly, I thought they were sparks of fire at first.
Which makes sense. Since their names are FIREflies lol. 

It was just sooo cool to see!!

I've never seen so many together before.
Definitely the highlight to the night for sure. ^^;; 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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