Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Well....it's been a while since I've been late to work.

I woke up this morning to the vibrating of my phone and opened my eyes to see that it was work calling.
Which lead to a moment of confusion of 'why is work calling me?' 
Until I looked at the clock...
And saw that it was 7am. 

….I was supposed to have been to work half an hour ago. *groans*  

I barely missed picking up the phone to talk to my manager.
Which meant I had to call back. 
Which should have been a simple thirty second dealeo.
But apparently said manager had left a message and then walked away from the phone as it took like six tries to get someone to pick up.  *shakes head* 

In any case.

I was late to work by an hour.

All because my alarms didn't go off.

Why hadn't they gone off?
Because I'd turned them off yesterday when I was preparing to call out from work and I didn't want them waking me up....and I'd forgotten to turn them back on because I basically almost never turn them off and so last night just assumed they were on....

Yah, I made sure they were on before I left to rush to work lol. 

The interesting thing about this....
Is I do wonder how long it would have been before the managers noticed I wasn't there?

I mean...like in my first year at work I had a similar occurrence happen where my alarm, for whatever reason, didn't go off and it was like 9am before people realized that I hadn't come in to work yet and called to make sure I was okay.

Today though, the managers noticed earlier....
Because my fellow opener had called to call out sick. 

So they were down two people in my department.
And probably only realized I hadn't shown up yet because they checked the schedule to see who was coming in. 

In any case. 

The manager was like "Oh so and so called out, so I would probably skip the bedding changes of today" 

O.o Excuse me?
Skip the bedding change?

Today was the small pet bedding change. The hamsters, guinea pigs, mice, and chinchillas.
It's basically the one bedding change that you can't really get away with skipping a week on.
Because it's the most obvious when the bedding gets messy. 

I was only an hour late to work.
I'd opened the department before coming in later like that.
And hadn't had an issue.
And I had an entire shift to do so in.

So I was like Nu-uh, I'm doing the bedding change.

And I did.
I got the rest of the department open -managing to do that before we opened HA!
And then spent the rest of my shift focusing on the bedding change and tada! 
I got it done. XD So There!!

But, the interesting thing of today was like...the head manager asked "Who is opened with you" 
When he saw me working on the bedding change.
And I was like "No one, they called out."
His response was to say: ()_() And vp manager didn't call in a replacement?!

^^;; Heh...
Oh yah...
That's a thing isn't it?
Where if someone calls out sick...you can call in someone else to work their shift.

It's just been that for the past six months...that hasn't really been an option due to most of my coworkers being in school. So like, nobody was available to come in if someone called out. 
So it's kinda slipped my mind that that is something we could do.

But like, I'm also quite used to working by myself as well.
If someone calls out, I'm very capable (so long as we don't get crazy crazy busy with customers) of opening the entire department by myself with no issue. 

But yah....I didn't dare bring up to the Head Manager that I was late to work today.
Didn't really seem to matter in the moment since the department was basically open at that point. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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