Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Bright One

So I ventured off on my own tonight.
To go see a big firework show from the top of a hill near my place.
And I ended up talking with a nearby group of people who had come up earlier in the day to claim their spots for the show, and were nice enough to offer me a blanket so that I could sit on the weeds without fear of being poked and prodded by the thorny things all around. 

And in the midst of our conversation, one of the group, a guy, pointed to a bright star in the sky and was like "That's Saturn!" 

I glanced in the direction and was like ….nah that had to be Venus.
As I've never seen Saturn be bright in the sky and I knew that Venus aka the Morning/Evening star was pretty bright.

The rest of the party chimed in "No it's Venus!"
But the guy remained unconvinced.
"It's Saturn!" He kept saying.

And refused to believe us. 
Even after all four of us told him it was Venus.
Even after we found a couple online articles stating that the bright star was Venus.
Even after I downloaded a star map app and pointed it towards the bright light and it said the star was Venus....

He remained convinced it was Saturn.
*shakes head*
By that point I was beginning to wonder if he'd gotten his planets mixed up.

Maybe the morning brought on clarity to his confuzzled mind.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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