Friday, July 20, 2018

To Build?

Sometimes I wonder what it would be like to be in charge of building my own house.

I've been watching a series on Netflix recently Grand Designs -both the British and Australian versions. 
And like.
It's crazy amazing how differently people can go about building houses.
Some rely entirely on contractors to realize their visions.
Others take a hands on approach and try and do almost all the work on their own.

It's crazy too. 
To think that the building of a home can take years.
Like some shows there are people who've been building their homes for like 3 or 4 years. 
Like what home takes that long to build?

*shakes head*
Really. Six months to a Year would be my thought process.
But I suppose, most homes that people build on the show aren't....typical designs.
There's unseen issues, changes of hearts, plan changes, money woes....

It's heady.

It's crazy to see these people on the show be like "Oh yah, we're guessing it will take $$$ to build the house only for them to be like. O.o Yah. We had to spend $$$$ to realize our vision. 

So weird. 

I wonder what would happen if I were to try and build a house.
Like what plot of land would I choose?
How big of a house would I build?
Where would I design each room to be?
How much time would it take to build the design I ended up with? 

Who knows.
It's a concept that I honestly wouldn't know.
Because there's so many unknown factors involved.

But watching this show...
It's definitely giving me ideas for the future if I ever have the opportunity (and money) to build my own place.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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