Sunday, July 29, 2018

Pointed Down

It's one of those low days.

Where....I guess I'm not feeling the love.

Where I feel like everyone is expecting to me to give and give to them....

Yet I'm not getting anything given in return. 


I know it's not the case. 
But it sure feels like it.

And it's leaving me wondering.

What did I do wrong?

And my creative brain is all too quick to come with answers. 
To come up with criticisms of exactly why I'm not feeling loved currently.
To tear myself down further. Because really....what positive attributes are there to me that people want to see, interact with, enjoy being around? 

It's a vicious cycle really. 

One that gets worse some today.
And better others.

It's just hard....
To stay upbeat and positive when you feel like you're making others unhappy.

So for tonight....
It's a low day. 

Hopefully tomorrow will be brighter.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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