Thursday, July 19, 2018

MultiTasking Takes Practice

My Head Manager has an interesting philosophy.
Which basically goes like "If you can't do it right the first time....don't do it at all." 

*shakes head* 

While my philosophy is "practice makes perfect."
Because can't get good at something if you don't well....keep doing it. 

Back on Tuesday....
I had a rough day.
Didn't have a second opener in until Noon.
Got taken away from the bedding change for an entire hour while the managers were in a meeting which meant I got further delayed in opening...
And then I was off an hour earlier than normal. 

Meaning....that the bedding change and our fish cleaning tasks hadn't been completed when I left. 

But I was like.
No big deal.
Just have my second opener finish it all up. 
After all, they're working the midday shift.
They have plenty of time.

*shakes head*

Well....they did basically get everything done.
Just managed to flood the department in the process as there was an issue with gravel vacuuming and having an improperly connected line and such.

It happens.

But like the head manager today was like: 
"So you remember a couple of days ago how we screwed you over in the schedule and you were taken away from the department and then you left and then your coworkers flooded the department not once but twice?" 
(because a second coworker also ended up flooding the back area that same night too) 

And I was like... "Yah?"
And the manager was like: "Yah, well next time. If something doesn't get done....we're just going to call it for the day and put those lost hours towards tomorrow."

Ha ha. 
That won't work. 
You know what happens to things that aren't completed today and left for 'tomorrow?'

Unless. I'm. The. One. Who. Does. It. 

But now it kinda makes sense.
Because Head Manager unrealistically is like "We shouldn't be tasking after 11!!"

And I'm like. Falsehood.
Because the new stupid opening schedule that has us doing things in a particular order which requires us to do the bedding change basically last and the fish tank tasks after longer specifies what time we need to be done by.

Before the policy change? Yah. We had to be done by 11. 
But now?
Nope we're allowed to task throughout the day so long as we're helping customers at the same time.

Which again....that's....annoying. Multitasking is hard. And trying to clean cages and help customers at the same time only delays the cleaning process longer.

*shakes head*
Really I feel like my head manager is trying to merge 3 different policies into one.
Three different policies that we've had over the years.
And like....all three together don't work.

But the kicker of the "We need to be done by 11" 
Was that on Tuesday. 
My coworker didn't come in until NOON.
which is AFTER 11.
SO like he was basically saying he was expecting me to do the work and be done by 11 when he's aware there weren't enough hours to do so.

Or not quite.

His words were "Don't let your coworkers task after 11 because they get so focused on completing the tasks you leave for them because they want to please you that they totally ignore the customers!" 

Basically he was saying "Your coworkers can't multitask"
He did say "You're amazing at multitasking, but your coworkers aren't." 

And I'm like. 
O.o're basically saying that.....
I can multitask things.
And my coworkers can't. Not unless I'm there. Present.
Once I'm gone. 
Tasks should stop. And their focus should be customer service only.

*shakes heads*
How do you expect my coworkers to LEARN how to MULTITASK if you NEVER let them HAVE the OPPORTUNITY?! 

Do you think I was amazing at multitasking when I first started my here six years ago?

I distinctly remember being put on cashiering (which was terrifying at that moment) by my first VP manager. But then having him also tell me to go check the dates on the mini fridge of sodas we had on like...register two or three -because we had that for like a year until they got rid of it- and double check the dates on the sodas to make sure none of them were expired.

and I got focused on checking the sodas....
and forgot to watch register.
Because I didn't realize that I was required to do both.
I thought it was "watch register. oh now check the sodas."
Did I realize I was supposed to multitask then?

Now do I?
Of course.

But it took practice.
It took my first PetCare manager saying "Keep your head on a swivel" several times a day to be semi good at tasking and helping customers at the same time. 
And I still have those days where I just get focused on the task at hand and ignore the store in general. 

So like.
Not giving my coworkers the opportunity to work on their multitasking skills....
Seems counterproductive.
Like...If you want to have more coworkers like myself in the store.
You gotta give them the chance to learn and grow.

Because I was shy. I was quiet. I was insecure. I was very needy. I was slow. I was super focused on tasks.

But I grew out of it. With time. With practice. With constant reminders. 

So I going to pay attention to this rule of "don't assign coworkers things after I leave?"

Because before Tuesday....
It hadn't been an issue.
And only became an issue because of a messed up schedule that I had no control over.
So like....
Sure. I may keep it in mind should the schedule have me opening by myself again.

But overall.
I'm going to give my coworkers their practice in multitasking. 
After all...I'm constantly working with them. I see their improvements and their flaws.

My manager doesn't. feels like he only notices the department when something goes wrong. And then takes 'corrective' steps to 'fix' the perceived problem....
When he should be looking at the overall issue.
And not making my life more difficult.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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