Sunday, July 15, 2018

A Vision Shift

So I went to the eye doctor the other day.
For a check up really before I received another supply of contacts. 

And for the first time since well...I basically switched to contacts....
We are considering changing the prescription in my right eye.
Possibly the left as well.
It's just a slight change.
To see if my right eye will balance a little bit better with my left, as I've felt a bit like one eye is doing more work than the other in the past couple of months.

So for now...we're trying just an adjustment for the right eye.

Right now it doesn't seem to be working though.
The prescription is causing a bit of an ache behind my eye.
Which probably means that my right eye is working harder....
While not really making much of a difference I feel like.
I still have that same slight problem with the eyes feeling like they're at war with each other.

Which I think means either I need to increase the prescription in the left we were possibly going to do anyways....
Or forgo increasing the prescription in my right eye and going back to the original.....

I'll have to get in contact with the eye doctor again to see what he wants to do. 

For now though....time to rest the eyes. ;) 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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