Friday, July 6, 2018

Working Faster

I got called into work today.
To help cover a coworker's shift.

Which then allowed my manager to actually sit down and meet with me.

Because he wanted to discuss possible options to help us open our department a lot faster.

As there are days when we don't get done with opening until like after 3pm.
And he doesn't like that.

He wants us to have the department fully opened by like noon at the latest.

Which makes a lot of sense.
In that the sooner we're done tasking in the department.
The less distracted we'll be and the more easily we'll be able to help customers.

But like....
There's one thing I don't think he's taking into consideration with all his potential 'plans' to help us get opened faster.
It's the fact that a lot of us....don't like standing around being bored.
And if the day is slow and we've finished opening early....
Then there's a lot of that being done. 
And it drives me and some other coworkers crazy to have nothing to do.

So often, opening goes slower...because we're trying to kill time between customers lol.
We want to have something to do while waiting for people to come up to us asking questions. 

In any case.
The manager brought up some other good points.
Like the fact that the others need to learn how to do the bedding changes, so in case I'm not there (on vacation) or actually decide to leave....the department won't be left hanging on how to do everything. 
As I think the manager felt the lack while I was gone on vacation lol. 

And like...he thinks I need a break from the bedding changes, but I usually volunteer to do them because I like the busy work that it gives me. Because again, I don't like standing there bored trying to find things to do to entertain myself. 
I do agree though, that my coworkers do need to learn how to do the bedding change.
So perhaps, depending on scheduling, I'll give them all more opportunities to do the major cleaning of the day, while I focus on the minor opening tasks. 

That though...comes with it's own problems.
Because it really depends on who is opening with me and what bedding change we're supposed ot be doing that day.
As I have a coworker who's pregnant and so therefore can't do most of the bedding changes due to that fact.
Then I have another coworker who can't clean the birds because the particular pellet bedding we use for the bottom of the cages....they're allergic to. So they've been banned from being near the birds. 

Which means....unless the schedule manages to work it out so that those workers don't open on the days they can't do bedding changes...I'm still going to be doing the bedding changes because currently they are scheduled morning shifts with me. *shakes head* lol. 

So overall I am interested to see what the manager comes up to how we're going to open, get things done earlier, but also save me from doing the 'grunt work' while keeping me happy by not making me do a lot of customer service.

Because the obvious solution to get my coworkers doing more of the work is for me to work a slightly later shift. Be the second person who comes in instead of the first. But like....I can only tolerate so much customer service in a day.
I have such a low interactive battery that my max of helping people usually fades out around 5-6 hours. 
So having me come in later....means there's more time interacting and gah...I get so exhausted doing that.

*shakes head*
So we'll see.
See how we can work it out so that the manager feels like opening is getting done faster, the coworkers are doing more of the cleaning work, and I'm kept happy without having to socialize too much. lol. 

Should be interesting. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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