Friday, July 13, 2018

To Surprise Or Not Surprise...That Is The Question

I can be quite the ditherer some days. 
Like I walk into a place and can spend an hour or so trying to decide and pick the best thing or the best course of action.
Sometimes it results in me just leaving the place, deciding it wasn't worth it in the first place. 

*shakes head*

In any case.
Today I had the opportunity to surprise my Mom.
As I was up north for an eye appointment and she didn't know I was coming up.
So I figured.
Why not drop by the house while she was out?
And leave her a little surprise.

My first thought, of course, was to bring her up a couple new fish for her empty fishtank. 

The problem...was that my eye appointment was early in the morning.
Meaning I couldn't just drop by work and buy the fish before driving we wouldn't be open yet lol. 
-And I hadn't bought fish yesterday because I wasn't satisfied with our selection in the store. As today is when we get in our fish. 

So I had the thought to drop by the Starsmet up by my parents and see if they had any fish there that I could pick out for her....after my appointment of course.

I went there.
Looked at the fish.

….and walked out without buying anything.
Deciding...nah....I didn't need to do that. I could do something else. Maybe....I didn't even need to do anything at all.

Yet I had the opportunity though! 
lol I made it back to the parents home.
Grabbed a drink. Played with the kitties outside. Stared at my Mom's empty fish tank.
And was like...well Cosmet's was closer to our house than the Starsmet.

I could just go to the local grocery store, grab mom a bag of BBQ chips, maybe a giftcard, and then drop by the Cosmet to see if they had any cool fish.

But like...they're the competition.
And I get a discount if I shop at Starsmet since I work for them.
So like....why not shop at the Starsmet?
Why not go pick up the fish I had almost picked out the first time before changing my mind? 

I made my decision in the middle of the grocery store. lol.
I walked out without buying anything.
And as I hit the turn off to go to the Cosmet….I ended up going straight instead.
Straight to Starsmet where I got the fish! 
lol and confused the poor Cashier while I was there, as he'd seen me come in like an hour or so earlier...but hadn't apparently seen me leave and enter again.
He was like "....have you been here the entire time or did you leave and come back?"
lol. The latter was my response and he was quite relieved. lol. 

In any case.
Fish in hand, I got in the car....
And had the thought.
That it was quite hot outside. :S 
And I'm like my mother dearest in not liking the heat.
So I was like How can I provide her cool refreshment?
*ding ding ding* 
An idea sprung into my head!
I could get her a shake and leave it for her in the freezer at home!!

Done and done. 

lol. So shake and fish in hand I returned to the parents.
Deposited the shake in the freezer, and placed the fish in their tank and made sure to watch them for a bit to make sure they'd get along.

Before I left a note for mother dearest to find.
And drove back down to college town. 

Lol she was quite surprised and happy when she found her presents when she got home. ^^;;

Yay for surprising people. ^^;; 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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