Friday, January 25, 2019

A Quiet Drive

I spent a couple of hours driving around Happy Valley today.

You know. Just making loops along familiar roads, briefly exploring roads that I've always wondered where they went and finally finding out the answer.


Why was I driving around?

Because my friend who's visiting from out of state, was at the temple.
And she needed someone to watch her baby boy for her while she was there.

So I volunteered to do so.
As I love her baby.
He's like the cutest thing ever and such happy baby.

But at the same time.
I was rather nervous to do so.
Because I've never watched someone so young before.
And like...I didn't want to mess things up.
And those carseats and stroller bucklers are a pain to put together and take apart and like... :S :S :S

What would I do if the kid started crying?!?! Ah!!!

The main hope was that the baby tends to fall asleep if he's in the car driving around. 

And as luck would have it.
He was tired today.
and fell asleep on the ten minute drive over to the temple.

So the hope and plan was that if I kept driving around....he would stay asleep and therefore I wouldn't have to do anything besides drive lol. 

Of course in case he did wake up I was prepared for that too. With a place to go, toys to play with, snacks to munch on and of course the diaper bag.

So yah.
My heart was kinda in my throat for those two hours I was driving around.
Hoping that the sun wasn't shining too much on the baby.
Hoping that it wasn't too hot or too cold for him.
Warily watching the crazy drivers around me to ensure I didn't get into an accident.

About an hour and a half into the drive....he woke up....because I'd been still for a little too long.
But thankfully, after a couple of coos and some gentle reassuring from me and purposely driving on smoother roads that went faster for like twenty minutes...
He fell back asleep.
And stayed asleep until after I picked up my friend from the temple.

So yay!

Lol so while it was kinda stressful....
I did enjoy driving around.
I've always loved doing so actually.
So having an excuse to just kinda meander through town and such was fun.
And a different way to spend the afternoon. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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