Monday, January 28, 2019

Training Again

It's been a while since I've trained someone in the department.

I mean, the last couple of hires we've had come in...I didn't really get the chance to train because I missed most of November at work, as well as the newbies being scheduled opposite shifts from I couldn't do the usual training I tend to do when getting new people in the department.

So admittedly it was kinda weird to look at the schedule today and realize that I would actually have a good chunk of time to teach the guy about the department.

Which training is something that I hate/love.
Because like I enjoy teaching others and sharing knowledge and such.
But I usually end up with a shadow for a week or so lol.
Plus my throat tends to get sore from doing so much talking for hours at a time while teaching.

But overall...I think the new guy is going to do well. He's given off a good first impression at least. So there's something there. 

I got word today that one of my old coworkers who left like a year and a half to two years ago is coming back!! So yay!! I'll have another person in my department, and I won't have to train her as much because she already knows things!! Yay!! lol.
Mostly it will be updating her on policy changes and such.

So I'm actually kinda excited currently.
Because for the first time in a while I'll be able to feel like my department is back to being fully staffed instead of you know....just barely hanging in there. 

Because we'll be able to have more openers with these new people coming in, so hopefully that will mean less shifts with me by myself....but we'll see. ^^;;

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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