Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Where's the Meds?

*shakes head* 

Gotta love work chaos.

So yesterday I took a Guinea Pig to our vet because we'd finished the meds first prescribed to him....but weren't seeing any improvement.
Therefore I took him in for a recheck to see if there was anything more we could do medicinal wise to help clear up the issue.

But in typical fashion....because I got distracted training the new guy yesterday....
I didn't get an update on the guinea pig before I was off.

Which meant that the closing manager and my coworkers were left to get the guinea pig and any possible meds....

Except when I came in today....I noticed there were no new meds or notes on the charts that he was to be given meds.

But the last time this happened....it was because my coworkers had placed the medicine in the wrong spot and not written anything on the chart and I only found out we had meds because I decided to go double check with the vet...like three days later....*exhales*

So to be more proactive, I went straight over to the vet's desk as soon as they came into the store to check and see if the guinea pig had been prescribed more meds.

Turns out he had.
But I hadn't seen any in the back.
And after double checking everywhere I could think of...still couldn't find them.

So I went back to the desk to get the medicine again.

Only...when the recepienst pulled up the medicine listed and then asked the Techs in the back about it...
Apparently the medicine is given for diarrhea....which was not a symptom this guinea pig had.
So I had to wait a while longer while the front desk called the vet (he was off today) at his home to double check that he'd prescribed the right medicine.

He had.

And it turns out, that the medicine had never been picked up yesterday as things got too hectic...though the manager in charge had paid for them. 

*shakes head*
Good thing I'm around to double check....
Hopefully this new batch of meds speeds the guinea pig's progress. *fingers crossed* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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