Thursday, January 31, 2019

Better Housing

I don't always understand why people try to get a 'cheap' pet for their kids.

Like parents come into the store expecting to spend Ten...maybe twenty dollars to buy the pet and maybe a container to keep said pet in.

And don't think beyond that.

It's like they don't get the concept of owning a pet.
Like the fact that it's not a toy.
It's a live animal that has to LIVE in the container you choose to keep it in.
Weather it's a small cage or a gallon bowl...

There are people who want to go as small and cheap as possible.

And I don't like it.

Like if you're only getting a pet to try and make your child shouldn't be getting a pet.
You shouldn't be getting a pet with the attitude of 'it will die anyways' and such.

And many potential pet parents...should do a bit more research so that they know what they're getting into before attempting to come to the pet store with their kids because they'll end up leaving disappointed. 

Like today.
I spotted a mother and her son staring at the reptile cages with a critter tote in hand.

The large critter tote? 
Yah. Meant to only be a TEMPORARY container.
Like. You basically use it for traveling or as a feeding place to put your reptile in to feed it.
It's not meant to be a permanent home.

Especially for lizards.
Because they need heat and such to survive well. 
And since the critter totes are made of plastic....a heat lamp isn't good to place on top of them.

Plus there's food for the lizards. 
Live. Bugs.
And you gotta keep those bugs somewhere.

Plus there's the lizard itself.
The boy was wanting a lizard he could play with.
Yet had been looking at the green anoles which aren't really a playing pet because they're fast.
They're also slightly more work because they need a higher humidity. 

So there went the Mom's plan to "buy a $3 lizard."
Because like you need a good cage.
And if you get the kits and such that's usually $70-$150 in of itself to get everything.

Not an inexpensive pet at all.
At least in the beginning.

So I ended up showing them a couple other lizards and tortoises that might better suit the child, as well as guinea pigs because they could be considered an 'easier' animal to take care of. 

But yah....

Parents should probably take more thought into the pets that they want their children to have...because trying to get the smallest cheapest things only going to end up with trouble later on and an unhappy pet. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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