Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Lost and Found

So you know how yesterday I made the most amazing discovery in my car? 
Where I found out that the seats lay down flat?

Today I needed to like...put everything back together as I need my car all put back together tomorrow when I'm hanging out with a friend as we're driving all over the place.

And in getting the tank in the car yesterday, I needed to move all the random stuff that was in the back of my car up to the front of the car to make room.
Which meant I needed to move all the stuff in the front of my car back into the back of my car.

And in the process get those backseats back in their proper upright positions.

So. Once I'd moved everything and was preparing to get the seats back to normal.
I noticed something on the floor.
Where the bottom part of the seat usually rests.
The part that has probably never seen the light of day before yesterday lol. 

And like there's a bunch of random stuff there, old candy wrappers and feathers and pens and such that I probably should have cleaned out....but didn't.

However, I saw something dark brown glimmering in the light.
And reached out to grab it.

And made an even more wonderful discovery!!!

You years ago? Maybe six or so.

I went to a gem faire in the next valley over.
And while there discovered this awesome smokey quartz that's a little bigger than the size of a quarter and was round...but also was super clear!
Like it's rare to get quartz that clear...especially smokey quartz. Because there's always so much patterning within the stone and such.

But this rock? 
You could use it as a magnifying glass!
Like you can read words and everything!

It's awesome!


At some point, while I was living in my last apartment complex (like 3-4 years ago)
I misplaced it.

Like I feel like it was while I was up visiting my parents for a bit...and sometime in that visit.
I misplaced it. 

I had it.
And then I didn't.

But like it was a while after the fact that I realized I hadn't seen it.

Only I'd assumed that it was just somewhere in the apartment, probably lost in my room as it's usually in an organized chaos sort of state.

So I figured it would reappear when I moved out of the place. Got everything packed up and looked under every stick of furniture to make sure nothing was left behind.

It didn't show up.

And I kinda just decided it was lost at my parent's house as where else would it be??

Mostly I forgot about it.

But funnily enough, I'd been thinking about the stone just the other day.
Remembering it's clear brown quartz color and wishing I had it as I haven't been able to find anything like it.

And what did I find in my car?!

I was so excited. Am still so excited!!
I found the rock and it's the best and ahhhh!!!

Yah. I'm so happy. :D 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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